dh-dist-zilla(7) debhelper add-on to run dzil (Dist::Zilla) during build


The dh-dist-zilla package provides a sequence addon for debhelper 7 which can be used in the following way:

    #!/usr/bin/make -f
    export DH_VERBOSE=1
        dh $@ --with dist-zilla

This will call "dzil build" prior to "dh_auto_configure", "dzil clean" before "dh_clean" and will add the option "-D build-directory" to "dh_auto_configure", "dh_auto_build", "dh_auto_install", and "dh_auto_test".

How to generate the .orig.tar.xz upstream tar-ball

A `debian/rules` file as mentioned above also provides a `get-orig-source` target to generate a source tar ball which contains the minimal necessary contents (compared to the contents of tar-ball for CPAN which would require some additional, generated meta data files):

    make -f debian/rules get-orig-source

Or if your `debian/rules` file is executable, you can also just call it like this:

    debian/rules get-orig-source

If you want to type even less, there's also a `origtar` alias (named after the `origtargz` script from the `devscripts` package) for this target:

    debian/rules origtar


Elmar Heeb <[email protected]> and Axel Beckert <[email protected]>