drscheme [ Xoption ... ] [ file ... ]DESCRIPTION
DrScheme is the PLT Scheme programming environment.The drscheme program treats non-switch command-line arguments as files to open.
When running in X11, DrScheme accepts the following standard Xoptions: -display disp, -geometry geom, -bg color, -background color, -fg color, -foreground color, -fn font, -font font, -iconic, -name name, -rv, -reverse, +rv, -selectionTimeout time, -synchronous, -title name, -xnllanguage lang, -xrm file.In addition, the option -singleInstance is treated like an X option (it must appear before all other options), and it runs MrEd in single-instance mode. In single-instance mode, when an existing instance is running with the same host and executable name, all non-option arguments are treated as file names and sent to the existing instance.
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