dspam_maintenance(1) remove old signatures and unimportant tokens from the DSPAM storage backend


dspam_maintenance [--profile=PROFILE] [--logdays=no_of_days] [--signatures=no_of_days] [--neutral=no_of_days] [--unused=no_of_days] [--hapaxes=no_of_days] [--hits1s=no_of_days] [--hits1i=no_of_days] [--without-sql-purge] [--with-sql-automatization] [--with-sql-autoupdate] [--purgescriptdir=directory] [--with-all-drivers] [--verbose]


dspam_maintenance is used to remove old signatures/tokens and unimportant tokens from the DSPAM storage backend and purge old log entries in user and system logs.

This script can be called from the command line or run from within cron. Either add a line in your crontab or add this script in your cron.{hourly,daily,weekly,monthly}. Running this script every hour might not be the best idea but it's your decision if you want to do so.


Specify a storage profile from dspam.conf. The storage profile selected will be used for all database connectivity.
NOTE: See dspam.conf for more information.

All log entries older than no_of_days days will be removed.
NOTE: Default is 31 days. (for more info: man dspam_logrotate)

All signatures older than no_of_daysdays will be removed.
NOTE: Default value is set by the PurgeSignatures option in dspam.conf, if this option is not set, the default value is 14 days. This option is only used for the Hash driver.

Deletes all tokens from the target users database whose probability is between 0.35 and 0.65 (fairly neutral, useless data).
NOTE: Default value is set by the PurgeNeutral option in dspam.conf, if this option is not set, the default value is 90 days.

Remove stale tokens which have not been used for a long period of time.
NOTE: Default value is set by the PurgeUnused option in dspam.conf, if this option is not set, the default value is 90 days.

Remove tokens with a total hit count below 5 (which will be assigned a hapaxial value by DSPAM).
NOTE: Default value is set by the PurgeHapaxes option in dspam.conf, if this option is not set, the default value is 30 days.

Remove tokens with a single SPAM hit.
NOTE: Default value is set by the PurgeHits1S option in dspam.conf, if this option is not set, the default value is 15 days.

Remove tokens with a single INNOCENT hit.
NOTE: Default value is set by the PurgeHits1I option in dspam.conf, if this option is not set, the default value is 15 days.

Do not use SQL based purging. Only run dspam_clean.
NOTE: Default is off (aka: use SQL based purging).

Run VACUUM (for PostgreSQL/SQLite) and/or OPTIMIZE (for MySQL).
NOTE: Default is off (aka: do not use optimizations).

Run SQL based purging with purge day values passed to dspam_maintenance.
NOTE: Default is off (aka: do not attempt to modify SQL instructions).

Space separated list of directories where to search for SQL files used for the SQL based purging.

Process all installed storage drivers (not just the active driver).
NOTE: Default is true (aka: process all installed drivers).

Verbose output while running maintenance script.


Operation was successful.
Operation resulted in an error. Run the script with --verbose to get more information about error.


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All rights reserved.

For more information, see http://dspam.sourceforge.net.