radrelay [-P pidfile] [-a accounting_dir] [-d config_dir] [-f] [-i source_ip] [-s secret] server detailfileDESCRIPTION
Radrelay reads a file in the detail file format, reconstructs radius packets from it and sends them to a remote radius server. When end-of-file is reached, the file is truncated. Radrelay then waits until additional data to be written to the file, and starts over again.
- -P pid_filename
At startup, radrelay writes its process-id to a file.
By default that is var/run/, this option
overrides that.
- -a accounting_directory
The base directory to use to read the detail file from.
- -d config_directory
The directory where the dictionary and clients files are.
- -f
Do not fork and run in the background as a daemon.
- -i source_ip
The source IP address to use for sending radius packets.
- -s secret
Normally the secret for the remote server is looked up in
/etc/raddb/clients. This option overrides the secret
specified in that file.
- detailfile
File to read the attribute/value pairs from. If this is not specified,
they are read from stdin.
- server[:port]
The hostname or IP address of the remote server. Optionally a UDP port
can be specified. If no UDP port is specified, it is looked up in
/etc/services. The service name looked for is radacct for
accounting packets. If a service is not found in /etc/services,
1646 is used.