fastaq_to_fasta(1) Converts a variety of input formats to nicely formatted FASTA format


usage: fastaq_to_fasta [options] <infile> <outfile>

Converts a variety of input formats to nicely formatted FASTA format

positional arguments:

Name of input file. Can be any of FASTA, FASTQ, GFF3, EMBL, GBK, Phylip
Name of output file

optional arguments:

-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-l LINE_LENGTH, --line_length LINE_LENGTH
Number of bases on each sequence line of output file. Set to zero for no linebreaks in sequences [60]
-s, --strip_after_whitespace
Remove everything after first whitespace in every sequence name
-u, --check_unique
Die if any of the output sequence names are not unique