FGRun(1) FlightGear Flight Simulatior Graphical Launcher:


fgrun [OPTIONS]


FlightGear Launch Control (FGRun) is a graphical frontend for running the FlightGear Flight Simulator. It allows you to select a airport and aircraft and includes advanced options like launching from an aircraft carrier, or changing the screen resoluton.


FGRun options:
-f, --fullscreen
-bg2 color
-bg color
-di[splay] host:n.n
-fg color
-g[eometry] WxH+X+Y
-na[me] classname
-s[cheme] scheme
-ti[tle] windowtitle
-f, --fullscreen
-bg2 color
-bg color
-di[splay] host:n.n
-fg color
-g[eometry] WxH+X+Y
-na[me] classname
-s[cheme] scheme
-ti[tle] windowtitle