use Finance::Quote;
$q = Finance::Quote->new;
%info = Finance::Quote->fetch("mtgox_usd", "BTC");
%info = Finance::Quote->fetch("mtgox_eur", "LTC");
This module fetches information from Mt.Gox. The following symbols are currently known:- BTC: Bitcoin
- LTC: Litecoin (market not yet operational)
- NMC: Namecoin (market not yet operational)
The following methods provide prices directly from Mt.Gox, in each of the currency markets that they operate.
- mtgox_aud: Australian Dollar
- mtgox_cad: Canadian Dollar
- mtgox_chf: Swiss Franc
- mtgox_cny: Yuan Renminbi
- mtgox_dkk: Danish Krone
- mtgox_eur: Euro
- mtgox_gbp: Pound Sterling
- mtgox_hkd: Hong Kong Dollar
- mtgox_jpy: Yen
- mtgox_nok: Norweigan Krone
- mtgox_nzd: New Zealand Dollar
- mtgox_pln: Zloty
- mtgox_rub: Russian Ruble
- mtgox_sek: Swedish Kronor
- mtgox_sgd: Singapore Dollar
- mtgox_thb: Baht
- mtgox_usd: US Dollar
In addition, ``bitcoin_$market'' methods are provided in case failover to other exchanges is desirable. These methods will return data for other digital currencies than Bitcoin; the currency for which data is retrieved is determined by the symbol name passed to the method.
Mt.Gox operates a multi-currency market, where all offers across all markets are amalgamated into a common pool. Trades between markets are matched using the European Central Bank's daily exchange rate, plus a 2.5% fee included in the price.
- ask: lowest asking price
- bid: highest offer price
- currency: currency of retrieved quote
- date, time: time of last trade
- exchange: always 'Mt.Gox'
- last: last trade price
- method: fetching method used
- timezone: always UTC