frosted(1) a passive Python syntax checker


frosted [-h] [-r] [-s SKIP] [-d] [-i IGNORE_FROSTED_ERRORS]

 [-di NOT_IGNORE_FROSTED_ERRORS] [-vb] files [files ...]


Quickly check the correctness of your Python scripts.


positional arguments:

One file or a list of Python source files to check the syntax of.

optional arguments:

-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-r, --recursive
Recursively look for Python files to check
-s SKIP, --skip SKIP
Files that frosted should skip over.
-d, --with-doctests
Run frosted against doctests
Specify error codes that should be ignored.
Specify error codes that should not be ignored in any case.
-vb, --verbose
Explicitly separate each section of data when displaying errors.


Frosted recognizes the following errors when present within your code. You can use the ignore_frosted_errors setting to specify any errors you want Frosted to ignore. If you specify the series error code (ex: E100) all errors in that series will be Frosted recognizes the following errors when present within your code. You can use the ignore_frosted_errors setting to specify any errors you want Frosted to ignore. If you specify the series error code (ex: E100) all errors in that series will be ignored.
I100 Series - General Information
I101: Generic
E100 Series - Import Errors
E101: UnusedImport
Note that it is common practice to import something and not use it for the purpose of exposing it as an API, or using it in an exec statment below. Frosted tries to circumvent most of this by ignoring this error by default in
E102: ImportShadowedByLoopVar
E103: ImportStarUsed
E200 Series - Function/Method Definition and Calling Errors
E201: MultipleValuesForArgument
E202: TooFewArguments
E203: TooManyArguments
E204: UnexpectedArgument
E205: NeedKwOnlyArgument
E206: DuplicateArgument
E207: LateFutureImport
E208: ReturnWithArgsInsideGenerator
E300 Series - Variable / Definition Usage Errors
E301: RedefinedWhileUnused
E302: RedefinedInListComp
E303: UndefinedName
E304: UndefinedExport
E305: UndefinedLocal
E306: Redefined
E307: UnusedVariable
E400 Seriesx - Syntax Errors
E401: DoctestSyntaxError
E402: PythonSyntaxError
W100 Series - Exception Warning
W101: BareExcept
Note that one common case where a bare except is okay, and should be ignored is when handling the rollback of database transactions. In this or simular cases the warning can safely be ignored.
W200 Series - Handling Warning
W201: FileSkipped



User or project configuration file. If placed in $HOME this is the default settings when running frosted. If present in a project directory it will configure local settings for that project. setup.cfg
Frosted settings can be put in the [frosted] section in setup.cfg.