ftpscrub(8) scrub the proftpd scoreboard file of stale entries




The ftpscrub command provides a way to scrub the scoreboard file on demand, at times which suit the site best. This should be run periodically on sites which run proftpd in inetd mode.


Display a short usage description, including all available options.
-f,--file scoreboard-file
Specify the full path to proftpd's run-time scoreboard file (configured via the ScoreboardFile directive in proftpd.conf ). If proftpd's default directory has been changed via this directive, ftpscrub must either be recompiled, or this option must be used in order to find proftpd's scoreboard.
Reports additional information while scrubbing the scoreboard.




ProFTPD is written and maintained by a number of people, full credits can be found on http://www.proftpd.org/credits.html