gbp~buildpackage-rpm [ --git-[no-]ignore-new ] [ --git-tag ] [ --git-verbose ] [ --git-color=[auto|on|off] ] [ --git-color-scheme=COLOR_SCHEME ] [ --git-notify=[auto|on|off] ] [ --git-tmp-dir=DIRECTORY ] [ --git-vendor=VENDOR ] [ --git-native=[auto|on|off] ] [ --git-upstream-branch=TREEISH ] [ --git-packaging-branch=BRANCH_NAME ] [ --git-ignore-branch ] [ --git-[no-]submodules ] [ --git-builder=BUILD_CMD ] [ --git-cleaner=CLEAN_CMD ] [ --git-[no-]sign-tags ] [ --git-keyid=GPG-KEYID ] [ --git-posttag=COMMAND ] [ --git-postbuild=COMMAND ] [ --git-postexport=COMMAND ] [ --git-prebuild=COMMAND ] [ --git-[no-]build ] [ --git-[no-]hooks ] [ --git-packaging-tag=TAG-FORMAT ] [ --git-upstream-tag=TAG-FORMAT ] [ --git-force-create ] [ --git-no-create-orig ] [ --git-upstream-tree=[TAG|BRANCH|TREEISH] ] [ --git-tarball-dir=DIRECTORY ] [ --git-compression-level=LEVEL ] [ --git-export-dir=DIRECTORY ] [ --git-export=TREEISH ] [ --git-packaging-dir=DIRECTORY ] [ --git-spec-file=FILEPATH ] [ --git-export-sourcedir=DIRECTORY ] [ --git-export-specdir=DIRECTORY ] [ --git-[no-]pristine-tar ] [ --git-[no-]pristine-tar-commit ] [ --git-tag-only ] [ --git-retag ] [ --git-mock ] [ --git-dist=DISTRIBUTION ] [ --git-arch=ARCHITECTURE ] [ --git-mock-options=OPTIONS ] [ --git-mock-root=ROOT ]
gbp~buildpackage-rpm is used to build RPM packages from a Git repository. It is an RPM counterpart for the gbp~buildpackage tool that is designed for building Debian packages.
gbp~buildpackage-rpm will, in order:
- Verify that it is being executed from the proper location.
- Verify that the repository doesn't contain any uncommitted source changes.
- Verify that it is being executed from the correct branch.
- Export packaging files to a separate build area.
- Create an orig source tarball if it doesn't exist.
- Call rpmbuild(1) (or the application specified via --git-builder), passing along all command line arguments that don't start with --git-.
- (Optionally) tag the tree after a successful build.
- (Optionally) call a post build hook - e.g. to run rpmlint.
- (Optionally) call a post tag hook - e.g. to push the results to a remote repository after creating the tag.
- --git-[no-]ignore-new
- Don't abort if there are uncommitted changes in the source tree or the current branch doesn't match the PACKAGING-BRANCH.
- --git-tag
- Add a git tag after a successful build.
- --git-builder=BUILD_CMD
- Use BUILD_CMD instead of rpmbuild -ba.
- --git-cleaner=CLEAN_CMD
- --git-verbose
- Verbose execution
- --git-color=[auto|on|off]
- Whether to use colored output.
- --git-color-scheme=COLOR_SCHEME
- Colors to use in output (when color is enabled). The format for COLOR_SCHEME is '<debug>:<info>:<warning>:<error>'. Numerical values and color names are accepted, empty fields imply the default color. For example --git-color-scheme='cyan:34::' would show debug messages in cyan, info messages in blue and other messages in default (i.e. warning and error messages in red).
- --git-notify=[auto|on|off]
- Whether to send a desktop notification after the build.
- --git-tmp-dir=DIRECTORY
- Base directory under which temporary directories are created.
- --git-vendor=VENDOR
- Distribution vendor name.
- --git-native=[auto|on|off]
- Define the 'nativity' of a package. The default value auto makes gbp~buildpackage-rpm to guess. Guessing is based on the existence of upstream branch.
- --git-upstream-branch=BRANCH_NAME
- Branch to build the orig tarball from if --git-upstream-tree is set to BRANCH. Default is upstream.
- --git-packaging-branch=BRANCH_NAME
- If you're not on this branch when invoking gbp~buildpackage-rpm it will fail. Default is master. This is done to make sure you don't accidentally release from a topic branch. Not being on this branch will be ignored when using --git-ignore-new.
- --git-ignore-branch
- Don't check if the current branch matches PACKAGING-BRANCH.
- --git-[no-]submodules
- Include git submodules in the orig tarball.
- --git-[no-]sign-tags
- GPG sign all created tags.
- --git-keyid=GPG-KEYID
- Use this keyid for gpg signing tags.
- --git-posttag=COMMAND
Excecute COMMAND after tagging a new
Exported environment variables are: GBP_TAG (the name of the generated tag), GBP_BRANCH (the branch the package was build from) and GBP_SHA1 (the sha1 of the commit the tag was created at).
- --git-postbuild=COMMAND
Execute COMMAND after successful
Exported environment variables are: GBP_CHANGES_FILE (the name of the generated changes file), GBP_BUILD_DIR (the build dir).
- --git-postexport=COMMAND
Execute COMMAND after exporting the source
Exported environment variables are: GBP_GIT_DIR (the repository the package is being built from), GBP_TMP_DIR (the temporary directory where the sources have been initially exported).
- --git-prebuild=COMMAND
Execute COMMAND from the build directory
before calling rpmbuild or the application
specified via --git-builder.
Exported environment variables are: GBP_GIT_DIR (the repository the package is being built from), GBP_BUILD_DIR (the build dir).
- --git-[no-]build
- Enable builder. Note: --git-no-build causes the postbuild hook to be disabled, too.
- --git-[no-]hooks
- Enable running all (cleaner, postexport, prebuild, postbuild, and posttag) hooks. Note: the --git-builder command is not affected by this option.
- --git-packaging-tag=TAG-FORMAT
- Use this tag format when tagging released versions of the package.
- --git-upstream-tag=TAG-FORMAT
- Use this tag format when looking for tags of upstream versions, default is upstream/%(version)s.
- --git-force-create
- Force creation of an orig tarball (overwriting a pre-existing one if present).
- --git-no-create-orig
- Don't try to create any orig tarball.
- --git-export-dir=DIRECTORY
- Export the packaging files from the current branch head (or the treeish object given via --git-export to DIRECTORY before building.
- --git-export-sourcedir=DIRECTORY
- --git-export-specdir=DIRECTORY
- Subdirectories under export directory where packaging files are exported. The default build options of rpmbuild builder are also adjusted accordingly.
- --git-export=TREEISH
- Instead of exporting the current branch head, export the treeish object TREEISH. The special name INDEX exports the current index, WC) exports all files in the current working directory.
- --git-packaging-dir=DIRECTORY
- Subdirectory that contains the RPM packaging files.
- --git-spec-file=FILEPATH
- Relative path to the spec file to use. Special value auto causes gbp~buildpackage-rpm to search and guess. Other values cause the --git-packaging-dir option to be ignored: the directory of the spec file is used, instead.
- --git-upstream-tree=[TAG|BRANCH|TREEISH]
How to find the upstream sources used to generate the tarball.
TAG looks at a tag corresponding to the
version in the changelog. BRANCH looks at
the upstream branch given via the
--git-upstream-branch option. Other values are
interpreted as treeishs.
This doesn't have any effect if --git-pristine-tar is being used.
- --git-tarball-dir=DIRECTORY
- Search for original tarballs in DIRECTORY instead of generating them.
- --git-compression-level=LEVEL
- Specifies the upstream tarball compression level if an upstream tarball needs to be built.
- --git-tag-only
- Don't build, only tag and run post-tag hooks.
- --git-retag
- Don't fail tag operations if a tag with the same version already exists, but, overwrite the existing tag, instead.
- --git-pristine-tar
- Use pristine-tar when generating the upstream tarball if it doesn't exist.
- --git-pristine-tar-commit
- Commit the pristine-tar delta to the pristine-tar branch if a new tarball was generated and the pristine-tar data isn't already there.
- --git-mock
- Use mock to build the rpms by invoking gbp-builder-mock.
- --git-dist
- Build for this distribution when using mock (e.g.: epel-6).
- --git-arch
- Build for this architecture when using mock, default is to build for the current host architecture.
- --git-mock-root
- The mock root to use. Defaults to DIST-ARCH from above.
- --git-mock-options
- Additional options to pass to mock. Default is to pass no additional options.
Only build a source RPM with rpmbuild
gbp~buildpackage-rpm -bs
Build an RPM package with rpmbuild on a custom branch with the uncommitted changes included.
gbp~buildpackage-rpm --git-ignore-branch --git-export=WC
Several gbp.conf files are parsed to set defaults for the above command-line arguments. See the gbp.conf(5)> manpage for details.
All options in the config files are specified without the 'git-' prefix.