Goo::Canvas::ItemSimple(3) wrapper for GooCanvasItemSimple






$item->goo_canvas_item_simple_changed ($recompute_bounds)

  • $recompute_bounds (boolean)

boolean = $item->goo_canvas_item_simple_check_in_path ($x, $y, $cr, $pointer_events)

  • $x (double)
  • $y (double)
  • $cr (cairo_t)
  • $pointer_events (Goo::Canvas::PointerEvents)


GooCanvasBounds = $item->goo_canvas_item_simple_get_path_bounds ($cr)

  • $cr (cairo_t)

$item->goo_canvas_item_simple_paint_path ($cr)

  • $cr (cairo_t)

$item->goo_canvas_item_simple_set_model ($model)

  • $model (Goo::Canvas::ItemModel)

GooCanvasBounds = $item->goo_canvas_item_simple_user_bounds_to_device ($cr)

  • $cr (cairo_t)

GooCanvasBounds = $item->goo_canvas_item_simple_user_bounds_to_parent ($cr)

  • $cr (cairo_t)


'antialias' (Goo::Cairo::Antialias : default "gray" : readable / writable)
The antialiasing mode to use
'clip-fill-rule' (Goo::Cairo::FillRule : default "winding" : readable / writable)
The fill rule used to determine which parts of the item are clipped
'clip-path' (string : default undef : writable)
The sequence of path commands specifying the clip path
'fill-color' (string : default undef : writable)
The color to use to paint the interior of the item. To disable painting set the 'fill-pattern' property to NULL
'fill-color-rgba' (Glib::UInt : default 0 : readable / writable)
The color to use to paint the interior of the item, specified as a 32-bit integer value. To disable painting set the 'fill-pattern' property to NULL
'fill-pattern' (Goo::Cairo::Pattern : default undef : readable / writable)
The pattern to use to paint the interior of the item, or NULL to disable painting
'fill-pixbuf' (Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf : default undef : writable)
The pixbuf to use to paint the interior of the item. To disable painting set the 'fill-pattern' property to NULL
'fill-rule' (Goo::Cairo::FillRule : default "winding" : readable / writable)
The fill rule used to determine which parts of the item are filled
'font' (string : default undef : readable / writable)
The base font to use for the text
'font-desc' (Pango::FontDescription : default undef : readable / writable)
The attributes specifying which font to use
'hint-metrics' (GooCairoHintMetrics : default "off" : readable / writable)
The hinting to be used for font metrics
'line-cap' (Goo::Cairo::LineCap : default "butt" : readable / writable)
The line cap style to use
'line-dash' (Goo::Canvas::LineDash : default undef : readable / writable)
The dash pattern to use
'line-join' (Goo::Cairo::LineJoin : default "miter" : readable / writable)
The line join style to use
'line-join-miter-limit' (double : default 10 : readable / writable)
The smallest angle to use with miter joins, in degrees. Bevel joins will be used below this limit
'line-width' (double : default 2 : readable / writable)
The line width to use for the item's perimeter
'operator' (Goo::Cairo::Operator : default "over" : readable / writable)
The compositing operator to use
'stroke-color' (string : default undef : writable)
The color to use for the item's perimeter. To disable painting set the 'stroke-pattern' property to NULL
'stroke-color-rgba' (Glib::UInt : default 0 : readable / writable)
The color to use for the item's perimeter, specified as a 32-bit integer value. To disable painting set the 'stroke-pattern' property to NULL
'stroke-pattern' (Goo::Cairo::Pattern : default undef : readable / writable)
The pattern to use to paint the perimeter of the item, or NULL disable painting
'stroke-pixbuf' (Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf : default undef : writable)
The pixbuf to use to draw the item's perimeter. To disable painting set the 'stroke-pattern' property to NULL


enum Goo::Cairo::Antialias


enum Goo::Cairo::FillRule

  • 'winding' / 'CAIRO_FILL_RULE_WINDING'
  • 'even-odd' / 'CAIRO_FILL_RULE_EVEN_ODD'

enum Goo::Cairo::LineCap

  • 'butt' / 'CAIRO_LINE_CAP_BUTT'
  • 'round' / 'CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND'
  • 'square' / 'CAIRO_LINE_CAP_SQUARE'

enum Goo::Cairo::LineJoin

  • 'miter' / 'CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_MITER'
  • 'round' / 'CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_ROUND'
  • 'bevel' / 'CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_BEVEL'

enum Goo::Cairo::Operator

  • 'clear' / 'CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR'
  • 'source' / 'CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE'
  • 'over' / 'CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER'
  • 'in' / 'CAIRO_OPERATOR_IN'
  • 'out' / 'CAIRO_OPERATOR_OUT'
  • 'atop' / 'CAIRO_OPERATOR_ATOP'
  • 'dest' / 'CAIRO_OPERATOR_DEST'
  • 'dest-over' / 'CAIRO_OPERATOR_DEST_OVER'
  • 'dest-in' / 'CAIRO_OPERATOR_DEST_IN'
  • 'dest-out' / 'CAIRO_OPERATOR_DEST_OUT'
  • 'dest-atop' / 'CAIRO_OPERATOR_DEST_ATOP'
  • 'xor' / 'CAIRO_OPERATOR_XOR'
  • 'add' / 'CAIRO_OPERATOR_ADD'
  • 'saturate' / 'CAIRO_OPERATOR_SATURATE'

flags Goo::Canvas::PointerEvents

  • 'visible-mask' / 'GOO_CANVAS_EVENTS_VISIBLE_MASK'
  • 'painted-mask' / 'GOO_CANVAS_EVENTS_PAINTED_MASK'
  • 'fill-mask' / 'GOO_CANVAS_EVENTS_FILL_MASK'
  • 'stroke-mask' / 'GOO_CANVAS_EVENTS_STROKE_MASK'
  • 'visible-painted' / 'GOO_CANVAS_EVENTS_VISIBLE_PAINTED'
  • 'visible-fill' / 'GOO_CANVAS_EVENTS_VISIBLE_FILL'
  • 'visible-stroke' / 'GOO_CANVAS_EVENTS_VISIBLE_STROKE'

enum GooCairoHintMetrics



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