gpiv [-? | --help] [--usage] [--console_bins BINS] [--console_tooltips] [--console_view_gpivbuttons] [--console_view_tabulator] [--display_background INT] [--display_intregs] [--display_piv] [--display_stretch] [--display_scalar INT] [--display_vectorscale SCALE] [--display_view_menubar] [--display_view_rulers] [--display_zoomscale SCALE] [--hdf] [--img_fmt] [--mpi_nodes] [-p | --print] [--process_imgproc] [--process_piv] [--process_gradient] [--process_resstatst] [--process_errvec] [--process_peaklock] [--process_average] [--process_scale] [--process_substract] [--process_vorstra] [IMAGE1, IMAGE2, ...]
Gpiv is a Graphic User Interface program for recording and analyzing images obtained from a fluid flow that has been seeded with tracer particles by the so-called Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique. It allows to have a quick overview of the process settings, easily changing them, executing the processes, visualizing and optimizing their results in an interactive way. The processes that may be performed are image recording, interrogation (resulting into PIV estimators), validation and post-processing of the PIV estimators.
The settings for the PIV processes are subsequently searched in ~/.gpivrc or in gpiv.conf (system wide), which is provided by libgpiv.
For recording images, gpiv recognizes (CCD) cameras that are IIDC-compliant and connected to the Computer with the IEEE1394 or Firewire protocol.
In case gpiv will trigger a camera and lasers, it uses a kernel module gpivtrig_rtl from the gpivtrig package that depends on the Real Time Application Interface (RTAI) and RealTimeLinux. Trigger pulses are send to the parallel port of the Computer (/dev/lpt0 or /dev/lpt1; see the configure script of the gpivtrig package) at bins #1 (camera), #2 and #3 (first and second laser respectively). The program may be started directly if all modules have been loaded or by the gpiv_control script, also included in the gpivtrig package, which takes care of the loading and unloading of the needed kernel modules. Currently, the trigger system is tested with RTAI-3.1 and the linux kernel-2.4.27.
The parameters and options to be used for gpiv are obtained from ~/.gnome2/gpiv or default settings are to be used if absent. The settings may be changed or updated by menu->settings->preferences. The parameters of gpiv (not the PIV process settings) may be overruled by the command line options, as explained below.
When gpiv is used on a (Beowulf, distributed memory) cluster, the MPI-parallelised program gpiv_rr from the gpivtools package is invoked using mpirun. The gpiv program, however, is launched in the normal way, without invoking mpirun.
- -? | --help
On-line help. Besides the options of gpiv it also shows
the additional GNOME, GTK and GNOME GUI options.
- --usage
Display a brief usage message.
- --console_bins BINS
Number of bins for histograms of estimators at sub-pixel level,
performed by the peaklock process and of the median residues,
performed by the errvec process.
- -t | --console_tooltips
Show tooltips.
- --console_view_gpivbuttons
View the gpiv buttons of the application.
- --console_view_tabulator
View the tabulator of the application containing all PIV process
- --display_background INT
Displaying of background: INT = 0: darkblue INT = 1: black
INT = 2: first frame of image INT = 3: second frame of image
- --display_intregs
Enables displaying of interrogation regions.
- --display_piv
Displaying of PIV data.
- --display_stretch
Enables automatic stretching of the display when zooming.
- --display_scalar INT
Display derived quantities from PIV data: INT = 0: none INT = 1:
vorticity INT = 2: shear strain INT = 3: normal strain
- --display_view_menubar
Enables displaying of the menubar.
- --display_view_rulers
Enables displaying of the ruler.
- --display_vectorscale SCALE
Display vector with index:
SCALE = 0: magnification factor = 1,
SCALE = 1: magnification factor = 2,
SCALE = 2: magnification factor = 4,
SCALE = 3: magnification factor = 8,
SCALE = 4: magnification factor = 16,
SCALE = 5: magnification factor = 32,
SCALE = 3: magnification factor = 64,
SCALE = 4: magnification factor = 128,
SCALE = 5: magnification factor = 256.
- -z | --display_zoomscale SCALE
Display zoom with index:
SCALE = 0: magnification factor = 0.5,
SCALE = 1: magnification factor = 0.83,
SCALE = 2: magnification factor = 1.0,
SCALE = 3: magnification factor = 1.3,
SCALE = 4: magnification factor = 1.6,
SCALE = 5: magnification factor = 2.0.
- --hdf
Save data in HDF5 format with .gpi extension.
- --img_fmt INT
store (modified) image data and header in:
INT = 0: PNG format,
INT = 1: raw format,
INT = 2: HDF5 format, included with the resulting PIV and
post-processing data with .gpi extension.
- --mpi_nodes INT
To define the number of nodes when used on a cluster. Used by
mpirun -np INT.
- -p | --print
Print process parameter settings to stdout.
- --process_imgproc
Includes image processing in the chain-process.
- --process_piv
Includes piv interrogation in the chain-process.
- --process_gradient
Includes testing on the displacement gradient within interrogation area in the chain-process.
- --process_resstatst
Includes calculation of statistics of displacement residuals in the chain-process.
- --process_errvec
Includes validation on PIV data in the chain-process.
- --process_peaklock
Includes peak lock in the chain- process.
- --process_average
Includes calculation of the whole field average PIV displacements in the chain-process.
- --process_scale
Includes scaling in the chain-process.
- --process_subtract
Includes substracting of the whole field average PIV displacements in the chain-process.
- --process_vorstra
Includes calculation of vorticity in the chain-process.
- IMAGE1, IMAGE2, ...
Loads IMAGE1, IMAGE2, ... from a file or from an URI
using the Gnome Virtual File System. The maximum allowed image
dimensions and quantity to be loaded are defined by the program as
described in gpiv_gui.h or by the 'configure' script during the
building of gpiv.
Gerber Van der Graaf