grib_copy(1) Copies the content of grib files printing values of some keys.


Copies the content of grib files printing values of some keys.


grib_copy [options] grib_file grib_file ... output_grib_file


-f     Force. Force the execution not to fail on error.
-r     Repack data. Sometimes after setting some keys involving properties
of the packing algorithm a repacking of data is needed.
This repacking is performed setting this -r option.
-p key[:{s/d/l}],key[:{s/d/l}],...      
Declaration of keys to print.
For each key a string (key:s) or a double (key:d) or a long (key:l) type can be requested. Default type is string.
-P key[:{s/d/l}],key[:{s/d/l}],...      
As -p adding the declared keys to the default list.
-w key[:{s/d/l}]=value,key[:{s/d/l}]=value,...  
Where clause.
Only grib messages matching the key/value constraints are copied to the output_grib_file. For each key a string (key:s) or a double (key:d) or a long (key:l) type can be defined. Default type is string.
-B order by directive   
Order by. The output will be ordered according the order by directive.
Order by example: "step asc, centre desc" (step ascending and centre discending)
-V      Version.
-W width       
Minimum width of each column in output. Default is 10.
-M      Multi-grib support off. Turn off support for multiple fields in single grib message
-g     Copy GTS header.
-G     GRIBEX compatibility mode.
-7     Does not fail when the message has wrong length
-v     Verbose.


This manpage has been autogenerated by Enrico Zini <[email protected]>from the command line help of grib_copy.