gspool_jobfind(3) get the details of a job from the job number


#include <gspool.h>

int gspool_jobfind(const int fd , const unsigned flags, const jobno_t jobnum, const netid_t nid, slotno_t *slot, struct apispq *jobd)

int gspool_jobfindslot(const int fd , const unsigned flags, const jobno_t jobnum, const netid_t nid, slotno_t *slot)


The gspool_jobfind() and gspool_jobfindslot functions may be used to find a job from a given job number rather than by the slot number. gspool_jobfind retrieves the job descriptor, gspool_jobfindslot just retrieves the slot number.

fd is a file descriptor previously returned by gspool_open

flags is zero, or a logical OR of one or more of the following values

Ignore remote printers/hosts, i.e. not local to the server, not the client.
Ignore other users jobs

jobnum is the job number to be searched for.

nid is the network-byte order IP address of the host of the machine whose job is to be searched for. This should be correct even if "GSPOOL_FLAG_LOCALONLY" is specified.

slot is a pointer to a location in which the slot number of the job is placed if the search is successfull. It may be "NULL" if this is not required (but this would be almost pointless for gspool_jobfindslot).

jobd is a descriptor containing the job descriptor as defined in gspool.h. The fields in struct apispq are defined in the documentation for gspool_jobread(3).


The functions gspool_jobfind() and gspool_jobfindslot return 0 if successful, otherwise one of the following codes:
job not found
Invalid File descriptor
failure writing to the network
failure reading from the network


Copyright (c) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the terms of the GNU General Public License <>. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.


John M Collins, Xi Software Ltd.