gspool_jobadd(3) create a new job


#include <gspool.h>
#include <stdio.h>

FILE *gspool_jobadd(const int fd, struct apispq *jobd, const char *delim, const unsigned deliml, const unsigned delimnum)

int gspool_jobres(const int fd, jobno_t *jobno)

int gspool_jobadd(const int fd, const int infile, int (*func)(int,void*,unsigned) struct apispq *jobd, const char *delim, const unsigned deliml. const unsigned delimnum)


Unix and GNU/Linux

The functions gspool_jobadd() (the first form) and gspool_jobres are used to add a job under Unix and GNU/Linux.

fd is a file descriptor previously returned by gspool_open

jobd is a pointer to a "struct apispq", as defined in gsapi.h, containing all the details of the job. The fields in struct apispq are defined in the documentation for gspool_jobread(3).

Note that we recommend that the whole structure be cleared to zeroes initially and then required fields added; this approach will cover any future extensions with additional fields which will behave as at present if zero.

Also note that from release 23 an additional field "apispq_pglim" is provided in the structure. If this is non-zero, then the size of the job is limited. If the bit "APISPQ_PGLIMIT" in "apispq_dflags" is zero, then the size is limited to the given number of kilobytes. If this bit is set, then the size is limited to the given number of pages. If a job exceeds the given limit, then its treatment depends upon the setting of the bit "APISPQ_ERRLIMIT" in "apispq_dflags". If this is zero, then the job is truncated to the given number of kilobytes or pages and still proceeds (although a warning code is returned by gspool_jobres). If it is set, then it is rejected altogether.

delim is a pointer to a string containing the page delimiter string, or "NULL" if the user is content with the single formfeed character. deliml is the length of the delimiter string delim. This is necessary because delim is not necessarily null-terminated.

delimnum in the number of instances of the delimiter string/character to be counted to make up a page.

The result is either a standard I/O stream, which can be used as output for putc(3), fprintf(3), fwrite(3) etc, or "NULL" to indicate an error has been detected. The I/O stream connection should be closed, when complete, with fclose(3). Finally a call should be made to gspool_jobres.

For reasons of synchronisation you must call gspool_jobres immediately after fclose(3) even if you are not interested in the answer. Apart from that several calls to gspool_jobadd may be in progress at once to submit several jobs simultaneously.

gspool_jobres returns zero on successful completion (or "GSPOOL_WARN_LIMIT" if the job was truncated but still submitted). The parameter jobno is assigned the job number of the job created. This value is also assigned to the field "apispq_job" in the passed structure jobd to gspool_jobadd.

Note that you should not call gspool_jobres if gspool_jobadd returns "NULL" for error. Most errors are detected at the gspool_jobadd stage and before any data is passed across, but this should not in general be relied upon.


The second format of the gspool_jobadd function is for use by Windows programs, as there is no acceptable equivalent of the pipe(2) construct.

The second argument infile is (possibly) a file handle to the file from which the job is created and is passed as the first argument to func.

The third argument func is a function with the same specifications as "read", indeed it may very well be "read". The main reason for doing it this way is that some versions of Windows do strange things if "read" is invoked from within a DLL.

Other aspects of the interface are similar to the Unix routine, apart from the routine returning zero for success and an error code for failure rather than a "FILE*" or "NULL".

There is no gspool_jobres in the windows version, the job number is placed in the field "apispq_job" in the passed structure jobd to gspool_jobadd. For consistency with the Unix version, the external variable "gsapi_dataerror" is also assigned any error code returned.


If an error is detected the external variable "gspool_dataerror" will be set to the error code. Error codes which might be returned are:
Invalid file descriptor
failure writing to network
failure reading from network
job sequence error - slot may be out of date
job not found
job does not belong to user
invalid slot number
invalid (effectively zero) class code
invalid priority
invalid number of copies
invalid form type
unknown user name
no memory for queue file
file system is full on host
message queue full on host
no job data given
invalid printer name given (user is limited)
job size exceeded limit, truncated
job size exceeded limit, rejected


An example to add a job called "readme" from standard input:

 int fd, ret, ch;
 struct apispq outj;
 jobno_t jn;
 FILE *f;
 fd = gspool_open("myhost", (char *) 0, 0);
 if (fd < 0) { /* error handling */
 /* It is safest to clear the structure first */
 memset((void *) &outj, '\0', sizeof(outj));
 /* set defaults */
 outj.apispq_nptimeout = 24 * 7;
 outj.apispq_ptimeout = 24;
 outj.apispq_cps = 1;
 outj.apispq_pri = 150;
 /* The class code specified in gspool_open is not used here. However the
 user's class code will be &ed with this unless the user has override
 class privilege. */
 outj.apispq_class = 0xffffffff;
 /* set a large page range to to ensure all pages are printed */
 outj.apispq_end = 4000;
 /* Only the form type is compulsory here. The others may
    be set to NULL */
 strcpy(outj.apispq_file, "readme");
 strcpy(outj.apispq_form, "a4");
 strcpy(outj.apispq_ptr, "laser");
 /* add the job with the default page delimiter */
 f = gspool_outjadd(fd, &outj, (char *) 0, 1, 1);
 if (!f)  { /* error handling error in gsapi_dataerror */
 /* now send the data */
 while ((ch = getchar()) != EOF)
     putc(ch, f);
 ret = gspool_jobres(fd, &jn);
 if (ret < 0) { /* error handling */
 } else
     printf("success the job number is %ld\n", jn);


Copyright (c) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the terms of the GNU General Public License <>. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.


John M Collins, Xi Software Ltd.