gt readjoiner assembly [option ...]
-readset [string]
- specify the readset name (default: undefined)
-spmfiles [value]
- number of SPM files to read this must be equal to the value of -j for the overlap phase (default: 1)
-l [value]
- specify the minimum SPM length (default: 0)
-depthcutoff [value]
- specify the minimal number of nodes in a contig (default: 3)
-lengthcutoff [value]
- specify the minimal length of a contig (default: 100)
-errors [yes|no]
- search graph features which may originate from sequencing errors and remove them (default: no)
-bubble [value]
- number of rounds of p-bubble removal to perform (default: 3)
-deadend [value]
- number of rounds of dead end removal to perform a dead end (default: 10)
-deadend-depth [value]
- specify the maximal depth of a path to an end-vertex by which the path shall be considered a dead end (default: 10)
-v [yes|no]
- be verbose (default: no)
-q [yes|no]
- suppress standard output messages (default: no)
- display help for basic options and exit
- display help for all options and exit
- display version information and exit