im_fgrey(3) creates a grey scale

Other Alias

im_grey, im_make_xy


#include <vips/vips.h>

int im_grey( image, xsize, ysize )
IMAGE *image;
int xsize, ysize;

int im_fgrey( image, xsize, ysize )
IMAGE *image;
int xsize, ysize;

int im_make_xy( image, xsize, ysize )
IMAGE *image;
int xsize, ysize;


im_grey(3) creates a one-band FMTUCHAR grey scale image of sizes xsize by ysize. The intensity varies from 0 (left) to 255 (right).

im_fgrey(3) works as im_grey(3), except that the output image is FMTFLOAT, allowing pixel values from 0 (left) to 1.0 (right).

im_make_xy(3) makes a two-band FMTUINT image where each pixel in band 0 has a value equal to the x coordinate, and each pixel in band 1 has a value equal to the y coordinate.


The function returns 0 on success and -1 on error.


Birkbeck College and the National Gallery, 1995