introu(1) introduction to LAM user interface commands


Name           Appears        Description
               on Page

bfctl          bfctl.1        Control message buffers (optional).
bfstate        bfstate.1      Get message buffer status (optional).
doom           doom.1         Deliver a signal (optional).
fctl           fctl.1         Control remote file access (optional).
fstate         fstate.1       Get remote file status (optional).
hboot          hboot.1        Start LAM on a local node.
mpicc          mpicc.1        Compile LAM C programs.
mpiCC          mpicc.1        Compile LAM C++ programs.
mpif77         mpif77.1       Compile LAM F77 programs.
lamboot        lamboot.1      Start LAM.
lamclean       lamclean.1     Clean all nodes.
lamexec        lamexec.1      Run non-MPI programs.
lamgrow        lamgrow.1      Add a node.
lamhalt        lamhalt.1      Terminate LAM.
lamshrink      lamshrink.1    Remove a node.
lamtrace       lamtrace.1     Unload trace data.
loadgo         loadgo.1       Execute program (optional).
mpimsg         mpimsg.1       Display MPI buffered messages.
mpirun         mpirun.1       Run an MPI application.
mpitask        mpitask.1      Display MPI processes.
recon          recon.1        Verify LAM setup.
state          state.1        Get process status (optional).
sweep          bfctl.1        Clean out message buffers (optional).
tkill          tkill.1        Terminate local node LAM session.
tping          tping.1        Echo messages to a node.
lamwipe        lamwipe.1      Terminate LAM (deprecated; use lamhalt).

Node Specification

Target nodes are given on the command line. Nodes are generically identified as nlist, where list can be a single node identifier or a list of node identifiers. For example:


Additionally, clist can be used to list specific CPUs on a given machine (lamboot(1) is used to specify how many CPUs LAM may use on each node).

Node/CPU identifiers are established in the boot schema (see bhost(5)), and can be written in decimal or hexadecimal notation. In addition to explicit node identification, LAM has special mnemonics that refer to special nodes or a group of nodes.

the local node where the command is typed (as in "here")
the origin node where LAM was started with lamboot(1)
all nodes
all CPUs

Process Specification

LAM processes can be specified in two ways: by process identifier from the underlying operating system or by LAM process index. PIDs are written as plist, where list can be a single PID or a list of PIDs. Process indices are written as ilist, where list can be a single index or a list of indices.