use IO::Async::LoopTests;
run_tests( 'IO::Async::Loop::Shiney', 'io' );
This module contains a collection of test functions for running acceptance tests on IO::Async::Loop subclasses. It is provided as a facility for authors of such subclasses to ensure that the code conforms to the Loop API required by IO::Async.TIMING
Certain tests require the use of timers or timed delays. Normally these are counted in units of seconds. By setting the environment variable "TEST_QUICK_TIMERS" to some true value, these timers run 10 times quicker, being measured in units of 0.1 seconds instead. This value may be useful when running the tests interactively, to avoid them taking too long. The slower timers are preferred on automated smoke-testing machines, to help guard against false negatives reported simply because of scheduling delays or high system load while testing.
TEST_QUICK_TIMERS=1 ./Build test
run_tests( $class, @tests )
Runs a test or collection of tests against the loop subclass given. The class being tested is loaded by this function; the containing script does not need to "require" or "use" it first.
This function runs "Test::More::plan" to output its expected test count; the containing script should not do this.