ipa-server-install(1) Configure an IPA server


ipa-server-install [OPTION]...


Configures the services needed by an IPA server. This includes setting up a Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) and a Kadmin daemon with an LDAP back-end, configuring Apache, configuring NTP and optionally configuring and starting an LDAP-backed DNS server. By default a dogtag-based CA will be configured to issue server certificates.



The Kerberos realm name for the IPA server. You will not be able to estabilish trust with Active Directory unless the realm name is uppercased domain name.
Your DNS domain name
-p DM_PASSWORD, --ds-password=DM_PASSWORD
The password to be used by the Directory Server for the Directory Manager user
The kerberos master password (normally autogenerated)
The password for the IPA admin user
Create home directories for users on their first login
The fully-qualified DNS name of this server. If the hostname does not match system hostname, the system hostname will be updated accordingly to prevent service failures.
The IP address of this server. If this address does not match the address the host resolves to and --setup-dns is not selected the installation will fail. If the server hostname is not resolvable, a record for the hostname and IP_ADDRESS is added to /etc/hosts.
-N, --no-ntp
Do not configure NTP
The starting user and group id number (default random)
The maximum user and group id number (default: idstart+199999). If set to zero, the default value will be used.
Don't install allow_all HBAC rule. This rule lets any user from any host access any service on any other host. It is expected that users will remove this rule before moving to production.
Do not automatically redirect to the Web UI.
Configure OpenSSH client to trust DNS SSHFP records.
Do not configure OpenSSH client.
Do not configure OpenSSH server.
-d, --debug
Enable debug logging when more verbose output is needed
-U, --unattended
An unattended installation that will never prompt for user input


Generate a CSR for the IPA CA certificate to be signed by an external CA.
File containing the IPA CA certificate signed by the external CA in PEM format. Must be given with --external_ca_file.
File containing the external CA certificate chain in PEM format. Must be given with --external_cert_file.

If the CA certificate chain is in PKCS#7 format you can convert it to PEM using:

    openssl pkcs7 -in PKCS7_FILE -print_certs -out PEM_FILE

Disables pkinit setup steps
PKCS#12 file containing the Directory Server SSL Certificate
PKCS#12 file containing the Apache Server SSL Certificate
PKCS#12 file containing the Kerberos KDC SSL certificate
The password of the Directory Server PKCS#12 file
The password of the Apache Server PKCS#12 file
The password of the Kerberos KDC PKCS#12 file
PEM file containing the CA certificate of the CA which issued the Directory Server, Apache Server and Kerberos KDC SSL certificates. Use this option if the CA certificate is not present in the PKCS#12 files.
The certificate subject base (default O=REALM.NAME)


Generate a DNS zone if it does not exist already and configure the DNS server. This option requires that you either specify at least one DNS forwarder through the --forwarder option or use the --no-forwarders option.

Note that you can set up a DNS at any time after the initial IPA server install by running ipa-dns-install (see ipa-dns-install(1)).

Add a DNS forwarder to the DNS configuration. You can use this option multiple times to specify more forwarders, but at least one must be provided, unless the --no-forwarders option is specified.
Do not add any DNS forwarders. Root DNS servers will be used instead.
The reverse DNS zone to use
Do not create reverse DNS zone
The e-mail address of the DNS zone manager. Defaults to hostmaster@DOMAIN
Do not use DNS for hostname lookup during installation
Do not automatically create DNS SSHFP records.


Uninstall an existing IPA installation
-U, --unattended
An unattended uninstallation that will never prompt for user input


0 if the (un)installation was successful

1 if an error occurred