jack-stdout(1) write JACK audio data to stdout


jack-stdout [OPTIONS] port1 [ port2 ...]


jack-stdout captures audio from JACK and writes

raw data to standard-output.

The number of given ports detemine the number of audio channels that are used. If more than one channel is given, the audio-sample data will be interleaved.


-b, --bitdepth BITS
Specify the bit-depth of each sample. For integer-encoding this can be 16 or 24. The default is 16. This setting is only used for integer encoding: Floating-point samples will always be 32 bit wide.

-d, --duration SEC
Specify the time for which jack-stdout should run in seconds. A value less than 1 means to run indefinitely. The default is 0.

-e, --encoding FORMAT
Set the output format of the data: signed-integer, unsigned-integer, floating-point (default: signed)

-h, --help
Print a brief usage information

-L, --little-endian
Write little-endian data or native-byte-order float (this is the default)

-B, --big-endian
Output big-endian data or swap the byte-order of floating-point

-q, --quiet
Inhibit usual output. This affects information and buffer-overflow warnings but not setup-errors.

-S, --bufsize SAMPLES
Choose the internal buffer-size in samples. The default size is 65536. The given value will be multiplied by the number of channels and bit-depth to get the size of the ring-buffer.


  jack-stdout xmms_0:out_1 xmms_0:out_2 \
  | mono  ~/Desktop/Downloads/JustePort.exe - 0
  jack-stdout -b 24 -e unsigned -B system:capture_1 system:capture_2 \
  | sox -t raw -r 48k -e unsigned -b 24 -B -c 2 - /tmp/recording.wav
  jack-stdout system:capture_1 system:capture_2 \
  | oggenc -r -R 48000 -B 16 -C 2 - \
  > /tmp/recording.ogg
  jack-stdout system:capture_1 \
  | oggenc -r -R 48000 -B 16 -C 1 - \
  | oggfwd -p -n "my live stream" localhost 5900 hackme live.ogg


Robin Gareus <[email protected]>.