Other Alias
krb5_get_krbhst, krb5_get_krb_admin_hst, krb5_get_krb_changepw_hst, krb5_free_krbhstLIBRARY
Kerberos 5 Library (libkrb5, -lkrb5)SYNOPSIS
In krb5.h Ft krb5_error_code Fn krb5_get_krbhst krb5_context context const krb5_realm *realm char ***hostlist Ft krb5_error_code Fn krb5_get_krb_admin_hst krb5_context context const krb5_realm *realm char ***hostlist Ft krb5_error_code Fn krb5_get_krb_changepw_hst krb5_context context const krb5_realm *realm char ***hostlist Ft krb5_error_code Fn krb5_get_krb524hst krb5_context context const krb5_realm *realm char ***hostlist Ft krb5_error_code Fn krb5_free_krbhst krb5_context context char **hostlistDESCRIPTION
These functions implement the old API to get a list of Kerberos hosts, and are thus similar to the Fn krb5_krbhst_init functions. However, since these functions returns all hosts in one go, they potentially have to do more lookups than necessary. These functions remain for compatibility reasons.After a call to one of these functions, Fa hostlist is a NULL terminated list of strings, pointing to the requested Kerberos hosts. These should be freed with Fn krb5_free_krbhst when done with.
The following code will print the KDCs of the realm ``MY.REALM''
char **hosts, **p;
krb5_get_krbhst(context, "MY.REALM", &hosts);
for(p = hosts; *p; p++)
printf("%s\n", *p);
krb5_free_krbhst(context, hosts);