Linux Security Auditing Tool (LSAT) is a post install security auditing tool. It is modular in design, so new features can be added quickly. It checks inetd entries and scans for unneeded RPM packages. It is being expanded to work with Linux distributions other than Red Hat, and checks for kernel versions.Output is in lsat.out. On subsequent runs, previous output is in lsat.old.
-ddiff current and old md5 runs, output in lsatmd5.diff
-m <distribution>
Force a specific distribution test
Names are: redhat, debian, mandrake, solaris, gentoo
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-o <filename>
Output filename, default is last.out
Check rpm integrity. RedHat or Mandrake only.
Be silent. No output at all.
-x <filename>
Filename is a text file consisting of modules to
exclude from being run. This should be a comma,
tab or newline delimited file, with just the name(s)
below one wishes to exclude.
Module names (with a small description) are:
bpass check for bootloader passwd
cfg check runlevel daemons (redhat)
dotfiles check for dotfiles
files check for sticky bits, etc
forward check for network forwarding
ftpusers check ftpusers file for bad entries
inetd check for unneeded services
inittab check runlevel, etc.
ipv4 check for other things in ipv4
issue check issue banner
kbd check kbd/login perms
limits check limits file
logging check for enough logging
md5 perform md5 of all files on sys
modules check for loadable kern mod.
net check network
open check open files
passwd check passwd file for bad entries
perms check permissions on files
pkgs check for unwanted packages
promisc are we in promisc mode?
rc check for unwanted rc files
rpm perform rpm integrity check
securetty check secure tty
set check for SUID files
ssh check ssh config
startx check for tcp listening in X
umask check default umask
write check world read/write files
www output in html
Be verbose about it.
Output file is in html format.
Current modules are checkbpass, checkdotfiles, checkfiles, checkftpusers, checkhostsfiles, checkinetd, checkipv4, checkissue, checkkbd, checklimits, checkmodule, checkmd5, checknet, checknetforward, checknetp, checkopenfiles, checkpasswd, checkperms, checkpkgs, checkrc, checkrpm, checksecuretty, checkset, checkssh, checkumask, checkwrite and checkwww. A breif description is included in each module. Writing a module is fairly easy and straightforward. See README.modules for more information.LICENSE
This software is licensed under the GNU/GPL, please see for more details.BUGS
Doesn't correct the problems that it discovers (yet). Running on Solaris is not fully functional.AUTHOR
Robert Minvielle <number9 at www dot dimlight dot org> If that fails, <triode at users dot sourceforge dot net>