mautil(1) Mono.Addins Setup Utility


mautil [options] <command> [arguments]


The mautil tool works with Mono.Addins repositories and packages.


--registry, -reg
Specify add-in registry path
--path, -p
Specify startup path
Verbose output

Add-in commands:

install, i
Installs add-ins.
uninstall, u
Uninstalls add-ins.
check-install, ci
Checks installed add-ins.
update, up
Updates installed add-ins.
list, l
Lists installed add-ins.
list-av, la
Lists add-ins available in registered repositories.
list-update, lu
Lists available add-in updates.

Repository Commands:

rep-add, ra
Registers repositories.
rep-remove, rr
Unregisters repositories.
rep-update, ru
Updates the lists of available addins.
rep-list, rl
Lists registered repositories.

Add-in Registry Commands:

reg-update, rgu
Updates the add-in registry.
reg-build, rgb
Rebuilds the add-in registry.
Prints information about an add-in.

Packaging Commands:

rep-build, rb
Creates a repository index file for a directory structure.
pack, p
Creates a package from an add-in configuration file.
help, h
Shows help about a command.

Debug Commands:

Prints the contents of a registry file.