mk_angndx -s topol.tpr -n angle.ndx -[no]h -[no]version -nice int -type enum -[no]hyd -hq realDESCRIPTION
mk_angndx makes an index file for calculation of angle distributions etc. It uses a run input file ( .tpx) for the definitions of the angles, dihedrals etc.FILES
-s topol.tpr InputRun input file: tpr tpb tpa
-n angle.ndx
Index file
-[no]hnoPrint help info and quit
Print version info and quit
-nice int 0
Set the nicelevel
-type enum angle
Type of angle: angle, dihedral, improper or ryckaert-bellemans
Include angles with atoms with mass 1.5
-hq real -1
Ignore angles with atoms with mass 1.5 and |q| hq