MojoMojo::Installation(3) Installation instructions for MojoMojo


Step 0

Install MojoMojo's prerequisites. See <>.

Step 1 - install

Install MojoMojo either using the cpan shell like this:

    cpan MojoMojo

or by downloading the tarball from <> and running perl Makefile.PL on it manually. If you do this, run

    make installdeps

to get all the required modules installed.

Step 2 - configure

"mojomojo.conf" is the main configuration file and is in Config::General format.

First make sure your config file has a valid DSN for your database (You can use SQLite, MySQL or PostgreSQL - SQLite by default). The setting you change is in the "connect_info" hash in the "Model::DBIC" block.

For instance, for MySQL:

    dsn         dbi:mysql:database=mojomojo;host=localhost
    user        db_user
    password    db_password

or for SQLite:

    dsn         dbi:SQLite:__HOME__/db/sqlite/mojomojo.db
    user        db_user
    passwrd     db_password

or for PostgreSQL:

    dsn         dbi:Pg:dbname=mojomojo;host=localhost;port=5432
    user        db_user
    password    db_password

For MySQL and PostgreSQL you want to create the database first (SQLite does this automatically)

    create database mojomojo;

Once the DSN is setup, we ``deploy'' the schema and some initial data to the mojomojo database by running the following script:


This script has sane defaults for a test install, but you can override these. Run it with --help to see usage information.

Step 3 - launch

MojoMojo is a Catalyst application and works with Catalyst's built-in web server, or with an external one.

Using the Catalyst built-in server

Catalyst includes a test server which can be started using:

    ./script/ -p 3000

where 3000 is the port number and the default if no port is specified. Note that if you install it through the cpan shell, mojomojo_server will be found in your bin directory.

Using an external web server

MojoMojo has been tested with Apache, lighttpd and nginx. If you need to make a choice, nginx and lighttpd are much lighter in terms of resource consumption, and faster at serving static files, while Apache is more popular and powerful.

Comparison information can be found at WikiVs:

See <> for how to setup MojoMojo with various web servers.

Set up Apache using either mod_perl or FastCGI.

See for further information on FastCGI, or you can look at Catalyst::Engine::Apache for info on setting up Catalyst apps in Apache.

If your server is connected to a http proxy you may need to add the following line to the main config block:

    using_frontend_proxy 1

Step 4 - login

Login to your MojoMojo and change the admin password. The default login/pass is "admin"/"admin".

For troubleshooting, see <>.

Step 5 - create pages

Create a new page. Decide what URL you would like for the page then browse to that URL. You will then be asked to add content. For example, if you want to create a page about food, go to /food.