version 2.004DESCRIPTION
Dumps the mpd ratings associated to songs. Each filename will be dumped on a line with a prefix ``rating: ''. One can filter out the filenames dumped with some options.NAME
mpd-dump-ratings - dump mpd ratingsUSAGE
mpd-dump-ratings [options]
- -m[in[imum]] [=] <min>
- Minimum rating for a song to be displayed. Default to 0.
- -o[rphan[ed]]
- Print only orphan pathes (ie, with no matching filename).
- -r[epair]
Try to fix the database for orphan pathes (ie, doesn't work if
"-orphan" is not supplied). Existing fixes performed:
- try to convert orphan path to utf8.
If one of those fix leads to a valid path, it will try to fix database. Of course, it checks if this leads to duplicate values.
- -d[elete]
If "-repair" did not manage to find a plausible replacement for the
orphan rating, then it will remove this rating from the database. This
can be the case when you removed a song...
Warning: you will potentially loose some information!
- <pattern>
- Filter out songs that don't match given "pattern".
- --version
- --usage
- --help
- --man
- Print the usual program information
Jerome Quelin, ``<jquelin at>''COPYRIGHT & LICENSE
Copyright (c) 2008 Jerome Quelin, all rights reserved.This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
This software is copyright (c) 2007 by Jerome Quelin.This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.