NetSDS::Util::String(3) string prcessing routines


use NetSDS::Util::String qw();
# Read from standard input
my $string = <STDIN>;
# Encode string to internal structure
$string = string_encode($tring);


"NetSDS::Util::String" module contains functions may be used to quickly solve string processing tasks like parsing, recoding, formatting.

As in other NetSDS modules standard encoding is UTF-8.


str_encode($str[, $encoding]) - encode string to internal UTF-8
By default this function treat first argument as byte string in UTF-8 and return it's internal Unicode representation.

In case of external character set isn't UTF-8 it should be added as second argument of function.

        # Convert UTF-8 byte string to internal Unicode representation
        $uni_string = str_encode($byte_string);
        # Convert KOI8-U byte string to internal
        $uni_string = str_encode($koi8_string, 'KOI8-U');

After "str_encode()" it's possible to process this string correctly including regular expressions. All characters will be understood as UTF-8 symbols instead of byte sequences.

str_decode($str[, $encoding]) - decode internal UTF-8 to byte string
By default this function treat first argument as string in internal UTF-8 and return it in byte string (external) representation.

In case of external character set isn't UTF-8 it should be added as second argument of function.

        # Get UTF-8 byte string from internal Unicode representation
        $byte_string = str_decode($uni_string);
        # Convert to KOI8-U byte string from internal Unicode
        $koi8_string = str_encode($uni_string, 'KOI8-U');

It's recommended to use "str_encode()" when preparing data for communication with external systems (especially networking).

str_recode($str, $FROM_ENC[, $TO_ENC]) - recode string
Translate string between different encodings. If target encoding is not set UTF-8 used as default one.
str_trim($str) - remove leading/trailing space characters
        $orig_str = "  string with spaces   ";
        $new_str = str_trim($orig_str);
        # Output: "string with spaces"
        print $new_str;
str_trim_left($str) - removes leading whitespaces
This function is similar to "str_trim()" except of it removes only leading space characters and leave trailing ones.
str_trim_right($str) - removes trailing whitespaces
This function is similar to "str_trim()" except of it removes only trailing space characters and leave leading ones.
str_clean($str) - clean string from extra spaces
Function is similar to "str_trim()" but also changes all spacing chains inside string to single spaces.
If pass undef - return undef. If pass '' - return ''.


        # returns 'getValue'
        str_camelize( 'get_value' )
        # returns 'addUserAction'
        str_camelize( 'ADD_User_actION' )
If pass undef - return undef. If pass '' - return ''.


        # returns 'get_value'
        str_decamelize( 'getValue' )


None yet


Unknown yet


Implement examples and tests.


Valentyn Solomko <[email protected]>

Michael Bochkaryov <[email protected]>