use OpaL::manipulate qw(functions);
No functions or variables are exported automaticly so you have to specify them here.
OpaL::manipulate is a module for manipulating files.All functions are autoloaded so they will not be loaded into memory if you have not used them before.
- perlmodifyadvanced
It simply applies the script to the file to change its content.
You also have to apply a message to tell what you are doing mostly for debugging and if any error occures. The error level tells how critical this action is
to the script.
"perlmodifyadvanced"(``file'', ``script'',
``message'', errorlevel);The errorlevel is optional.
- perlmodify
It simply fixes some stuff in the script string and then calls
"perlmodify"(``file'', ``script'',
``message'', errorlevel);The errorlevel is optional.
- perlmodify_insertafter
This function searches for something (regular expression). It if is found it
inserts the text after it. But it will never insert the text twice.
You also have to apply a message to tell what you are doing mostly for debugging and if any error occures. The error level tells how critical this action is to the script.
"perlmodify_insertafter"(``file'', ``find'', ``text'',
``message'', errorlevel);The errorlevel is optional.