otbgui_ColorMapping(1) OTB ColorMapping application


This is the ColorMapping application, version 5.2.0 Maps an input label image to 8-bits RGB using look-up tables.

Complete documentation: http://www.orfeo-toolbox.org/Applications/ColorMapping.html


<boolean> Report progress

 -in                        <string>         Input Image  (mandatory)
 -out                       <string> [pixel] Output Image  [pixel=uint8/uint16/int16/uint32/int32/float/double] (default value is uint8) (mandatory)

<int32> Available RAM (Mb) (optional, off by default, default value is 128)
<string> Operation [labeltocolor/colortolabel] (mandatory, default value is labeltocolor)
<int32> Not Found Label (optional, on by default, default value is 404)
<string> Color mapping method [custom/continuous/optimal/image] (mandatory, default value is custom)

 -method.custom.lut         <string>         Look-up table file  (mandatory)

-method.continuous.lut <string> Look-up tables [red/green/blue/grey/hot/cool/spring/summer/autumn/winter/copper/jet/hsv/overunder/relief] (mandatory, default value is red)
<float> Mapping range lower value (mandatory, default value is 0)
<float> Mapping range higher value (mandatory, default value is 255)
-method.optimal.background <int32>
Background label (mandatory, default value is 0)
<string> Support Image (mandatory)
<float> NoData value (optional, off by default, default value is 0)
<int32> lower quantile (optional, on by default, default value is 2)
<int32> upper quantile (optional, on by default, default value is 2)
<string> Load otb application from xml file (optional, off by default)


otbgui_ColorMapping -in ROI_QB_MUL_1_SVN_CLASS_MULTI.png -method custom -method.custom.lut ROI_QB_MUL_1_SVN_CLASS_MULTI_PNG_ColorTable.txt -out Colorized_ROI_QB_MUL_1_SVN_CLASS_MULTI.tif