otbgui_OGRLayerClassifier(1) OTB OGRLayerClassifier application


This is the OGRLayerClassifier application, version 5.2.0 Classify an OGR layer based on a machine learning model and a list of features to consider.

Complete documentation: http://www.orfeo-toolbox.org/Applications/OGRLayerClassifier.html


-progress <boolean>
Report progress

 -inshp    <string>         Name of the input shapefile  (mandatory)
 -instats  <string>         XML file containing mean and variance of each feature.  (mandatory)
 -insvm    <string>         Input model filename.  (mandatory)

<string list> Features (mandatory, default value is )
<string> Field containing the predicted class. (mandatory, default value is predicted)
<string> Load otb application from xml file (optional, off by default)


otbgui_OGRLayerClassifier -inshp vectorData.shp -instats meanVar.xml -insvm svmModel.svm -feat perimeter -cfield predicted