pdf2brl(1) Translate a PDF file into an embosser-ready Braille file.


pdf2brl [options] infile outfile


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Infile must be a pdf file. The script first calls the `pdftotext' program, so you must have this installed on your machine. It is part of xpdf. `pdftotext' is called with the '-raw' and '-' options, which cause it to place its output on stdout. This is piped to `xml2brl', which is called with the '-p' option, since output from `pdftotext' is likely to be poorly formatted. The output file from `xml2brl' is mostly in sensible paragraphs.


Written by John J. Boyer


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Copyright © 2007,2009 JJB Software, Inc. License LGPL: GNU LGPL <http://gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html>
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