The user-specified function is only called if the string has been changed (e.g., by crossover or mutation) or the user has explicitly signaled the string's evaluation is out-of-date by a call to PGASetEvaluationUpToDateFlag().INPUT PARAMETERS
- ctx
- - context variable
- pop
- - symbolic constant of the population to be evaluated
- f
- - a pointer to a function to evaluate a string. This function will be called once for each string in population pop that requires evaluation. This function must return a double (the evaluation function value) and must fit the prototype double f(PGAContext *c, int p, int pop);
- comm
- - an MPI communicator
- none
#include "pgapack.h"
void PGAEvaluate(ctx, pop, , comm)
PGAContext *ctx
int pop
double (*f)(PGAContext *, int, int)
MPI_Comm comm
Example: Evaluate all strings in population PGA_NEWPOP using the user-defined evaluation function Energy. double Energy(PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop) { : }; PGAContext *ctx; : PGAEvaluate(ctx, PGA_NEWPOP, Energy, MPI_COMM_WORLD);