pklas2img(1) Rasterize LAS/LAZ point clouds with filtering/compositing options


pklas2img -i lasfile -o output [options] [advanced options]


pklas2img converts a las/laz point cloud into a gridded raster dataset. The implementation is based on liblas <> API. You can define the bounding box, grid cell size and spatial reference set. The composite rule for multiple returns within a single grid cell can be set with the option -comp. The default attribute is z (height), but can also be intensity (if available), the scan angle rank (-n angle), the return number (-n return) or the total number of returns in that grid cell (-n nreturn). To select specific returns only, set the option -fir (first, last, single, multiple, or all).


-i filename, --input filename
Input las file
-o filename, --output filename
Output image file
-n attribute, --name attribute
names of the attribute to select: intensity, angle, return, nreturn, spacing, z
-comp composite, --comp composite
composite for multiple points in cell (min, max, absmin, absmax, median, mean, sum, first, last, profile (percentile height values), number (point density)). Last: overwrite cells with latest point
-fir type, --filter type
filter las points (first,last,single,multiple,all).
-angle_min value, --angle_min value
minimum scan angle to read points.
-angle_max value, --angle_max value
maximum scan angle to read points.
-a_srs EPSG:number, --a_srs EPSG:number
assign the projection for the output file in epsg code, e.g., epsg:3035 for European LAEA projection
-ulx value, --ulx value
Upper left x value bounding box (in geocoordinates if georef is true). 0 is read from input file
-uly value, --uly value
Upper left y value bounding box (in geocoordinates if georef is true). 0 is read from input file
-lrx value, --lrx value
Lower right x value bounding box (in geocoordinates if georef is true). 0 is read from input file
-lry value, --lry value
Lower right y value bounding box (in geocoordinates if georef is true). 0 is read from input file
-dx value, --dx value
Output resolution in x (in meter)
-dy value, --dy value
Output resolution in y (in meter)
-ot type, --otype type
Data type for output image ({Byte / Int16 / UInt16 / UInt32 / Int32 / Float32 / Float64 / CInt16 / CInt32 / CFloat32 / CFloat64}). Empty string: inherit type from input image
-of out_format, --oformat out_format
Output image format (see also gdal_translate(1)).
-ret value, --ret value
number(s) of returns to include
-class number, --class number
classes to keep: 0 (created, never classified), 1 (unclassified), 2 (ground), 3 (low vegetation), 4 (medium vegetation), 5 (high vegetation), 6 (building), 7 (low point, noise), 8 (model key-point), 9 (water), 10 (reserved), 11 (reserved), 12 (overlap)
-v level, --verbose level
verbose mode

Advanced options

-nbin value, --nbin value
Number of percentile bins for calculating percentile height value profile (=number of output bands)
-nodata value, --nodata value
nodata value to put in image if not valid
-co option, --co option
Creation option for output file. Multiple options can be specified.
-ct filename, --ct filename
colour table in ASCII format having 5 columns: id R G B ALFA (0: transparent, 255: solid)