pkpolygonize(1) program to make vector file from raster image


pkpolygonize -i input [-m mask] -o output [options]


pkpolygonize converts a raster to a vector dataset. All pixels in the mask band with a value other than zero will be considered suitable for collection as polygons. Use the same input file as mask to remove the background polygon (recommended).


-i filename, --input filename
Input image file
-m mask, --mask mask
All pixels in the mask band with a value other than zero will be considered suitable for collection as polygons. Use input file as mask to remove background polygon!
-o filename, --output filename
Output vector file
-f format, --f format
Output OGR file format
-b band, --band band
band index(es) to crop (leave empty if all bands must be retained)
-n fieldname, --name fieldname
the field name of the output layer
-nodata value, --nodata value
Disgard this nodata value when creating polygons.
-v level, --verbose level
verbose mode if > 0