PPIx::EditorTools::RenamePackage(3) Change the package name


my $munged = PPIx::EditorTools::RenamePackage->new->rename(
code => "package TestPackage;\nuse strict;\nBEGIN {
$^W = 1;
replacement => 'NewPackage'
my $new_code_as_string = $munged->code;
my $package_ppi_element = $munged->element;


This module uses PPI to change the package name of code.


Constructor. Generally shouldn't be called with any arguments.
rename( ppi => PPI::Document $ppi, replacement => Str ) =item rename( code => Str $code, replacement => Str )
Accepts either a "PPI::Document" to process or a string containing the code (which will be converted into a "PPI::Document") to process. Replaces the package name with that supplied in the "replacement" parameter and returns a "PPIx::EditorTools::ReturnObject" with the new code available via the "ppi" or "code" accessors, as a "PPI::Document" or "string", respectively.

Croaks with a ``package name not found'' exception if unable to find the package name.