use Prima::Calendar;
my $cal = Prima::Calendar-> create(
useLocale => 1,
onChange => sub {
print $_[0]-> date_as_string, "\n";
$cal-> date_from_time( localtime );
$cal-> month( 5);
Provides interactive selection of date between 1900 and 2099 years. The main property, date, is a three-integer array, day, month, and year, in the format of perl localtime ( see ``localtime'' in perlfunc ) - day can be in range from 1 to 31,month from 0 to 11, year from 0 to 199.API
- Change
- Called when the date property is changed.
Accepts three integers in format of "localtime".
DAY can be from 1 to 31, MONTH from 0 to 11, YEAR from 0 to 199.
Default value: today's date.
- Selects the day in month.
- firstDayOfWeek INTEGER
Selects the first day of week, an integer between 0 and 6,
where 0 is Sunday is the first day, 1 is Monday etc.
Default value: 0
- month
- Selects the month.
- useLocale BOOLEAN
If 1, the locale-specific names of months and days of week are used.
These are read by calling "POSIX::strftime". If invocation of POSIX module
fails, the property is automatically assigned to 0.
If 0, the English names of months and days of week are used.
Default value: 1
See also: date_as_string
- year
- Selects the year.
- can_use_locale
- Returns boolean value, whether the locale information can be retrieved by calling "strftime".
- month2str MONTH
- Returns MONTH name according to useLocale value.
- make_months
- Returns array of 12 month names according to useLocale value.
- day_of_week DAY, MONTH, YEAR, [ USE_FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK = 1 ]
Returns integer value, from 0 to 6, of the day of week on
DAY, MONTH, YEAR date. If boolean USE_FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK is set,
the value of "firstDayOfWeek" property is taken into the account,
so 0 is a Sunday shifted forward by "firstDayOfWeek" days.
The switch from Julian to Gregorian calendar is ignored.
- date_as_string [ DAY, MONTH, YEAR ]
- Returns string representation of date on DAY, MONTH, YEAR according to useLocale property value.
- date_from_time SEC, MIN, HOUR, M_DAY, MONTH, YEAR, ...
Copies date from "localtime" or "gmtime" result. This helper method
allows the following syntax:
$calendar-> date_from_time( localtime( time));