recins(1) insert records in a recfile


recins [OPTION]... [-t TYPE] [-n NUM | -e RECORD_EXPR | -q STR | -m NUM] [(-f NAME -v STR) | -r RECDATA]... [FILE]


Insert new records in a rec database.
-f, --field=STR
field name; should be followed by a -v.
-v, --value=STR
field value; should be preceded by an -f.
-r, --record=STR
record that will be inserted in the file.
insert the record even if it is violating record restrictions.
don't use external descriptors.
don't insert auto generated fields.
give a detailed report if the integrity check fails.
-s, --password=STR
encrypt confidential fields with the given password.
print a help message and exit.
show version and exit.

Record selection options:

-i, --case-insensitive
make strings case-insensitive in selection expressions.
-t, --type=TYPE
operate on records of the specified type only.
-e, --expression=RECORD_EXPR
selection expression.
-q, --quick=STR
select records with fields containing a string.
-n, --number=NUM,...
select specific records by position, with ranges.
-m, --random=NUM
select a given number of random records.

If no FILE is specified then the command acts like a filter, getting the data from standard input and writing the result to standard output.


Written by Jose E. Marchesi.


Report bugs to: [email protected]
GNU recutils home page: <>
General help using GNU software: <>


Copyright © 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Jose E. Marchesi. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.