reposync(1) synchronize yum repositories to a local directory


reposync [options]


reposync is used to synchronize a remote yum repository to a local directory, using yum to retrieve the packages.


-h, --help
Display a help message, and then quit.
-c CONFIG, --config=CONFIG
Config file to use (defaults to /etc/yum.conf).
-a ARCH, --arch=ARCH
Act as if running the specified arch (default: current arch, note: does not override $releasever).
Also download .src.rpm files.
-r REPOID, --repoid=REPOID
Specify repo ids to query, can be specified multiple times (default is all enabled).
-t, --tempcache
Use a temp dir for storing/accessing yum-cache.
-p DESTDIR, --download_path=DESTDIR
Path to download packages to: defaults to current directory.
-g, --gpgcheck
Remove packages that fail GPG signature checking after downloading.
-u, --urls
Just list urls of what would be downloaded, don't download.
-n, --newest-only
Download only newest packages per-repo.
-q, --quiet
Output as little information as possible.


Sync all packages from the 'updates' repo to the current directory:
reposync --repoid=updates
Sync only the newest packages from the 'updates' repo to the current directory:
reposync -n --repoid=updates
Sync packages from the 'updates' and 'extras' repos to the current directory:
reposync --repoid=updates --repoid=extras
Sync all packages from the 'updates' repo to the repos directory:
reposync -p repos --repoid=updates


reposync uses the yum libraries for retrieving information and packages. If no configuration file is specified, the default yum configuration will be used.



See the Authors file included with this program.


There are of course no bugs, but should you find any, you should first consult the FAQ section on and if unsuccessful in finding a resolution contact the mailing list: [email protected]. To file a bug use for Fedora/RHEL/Centos related bugs and for all other bugs.