With this module you can install packages and files.SYNOPSIS
install file => "/etc/passwd", {
source => "/export/files/etc/passwd"
install package => "perl";
pkg($package, %options)
Since: 0.45Use this resource to install or update a package. This resource will generate reports.
pkg "httpd", ensure => "latest", # ensure that the newest version is installed (auto-update) on_change => sub { say "package was installed/updated"; }; pkg "httpd", ensure => "absent"; # remove the package pkg "httpd", ensure => "present"; # ensure that some version is installed (no auto-update) pkg "httpd", ensure => "2.4.6"; # ensure that version 2.4.6 is installed pkg "apache-server", # with a custom resource name package => "httpd", ensure => "present";
install($type, $data, $options)
The install function can install packages (for CentOS, OpenSuSE and Debian) and files.If you need reports, please use the pkg() resource.
- installing a package (This is only supported on CentOS, OpenSuSE and Debian systems.)
task "prepare", "server01", sub { install package => "perl"; # or if you have to install more packages. install package => [ "perl", "ntp", "dbus", "hal", "sudo", "vim", ]; };
- installing a file
This is deprecated since 0.9. Please use File file instead.
task "prepare", "server01", sub { install file => "/etc/passwd", { source => "/export/files/etc/passwd", owner => "root", group => "root", mode => 644, }; };
- installing a file and do something if the file was changed.
task "prepare", "server01", sub { install file => "/etc/httpd/apache2.conf", { source => "/export/files/etc/httpd/apache2.conf", owner => "root", group => "root", mode => 644, on_change => sub { say "File was modified!"; } }; };
- installing a file from a template.
task "prepare", "server01", sub { install file => "/etc/httpd/apache2.tpl", { source => "/export/files/etc/httpd/apache2.conf", owner => "root", group => "root", mode => 644, on_change => sub { say "File was modified!"; }, template => { greeting => "hello", name => "Ben", }, }; };
This function supports the following hooks:
- before
- This gets executed before everything is done. The return value of this hook overwrite the original parameters of the function-call.
- before_change
- This gets executed right before the new package is installed. This hook is only available for package installations. If you need file hooks, you have to use the file() function.
- after_change
- This gets executed right after the new package was installed. This hook is only available for package installations. If you need file hooks, you have to use the file() function.
- after
- This gets executed right before the install() function returns.
remove($type, $package, $options)
This function will remove the given package from a system.
task "cleanup", "server01", sub { remove package => "vim"; };
This function does a complete system update.For example apt-get upgrade or yum update.
task "update-system", "server1", sub { update_system; };
If you want to get the packages that where updated, you can use the on_change hook.
task "update-system", "server1", sub { update_system on_change => sub { my (@modified_packages) = @_; for my $pkg (@modified_packages) { say "Name: $pkg->{name}"; say "Version: $pkg->{version}"; say "Action: $pkg->{action}"; # some of updated, installed or removed } }; };
This function returns all installed packages and their version.
task "get-installed", "server1", sub { for my $pkg (installed_packages()) { say "name : " . $pkg->{"name"}; say " version: " . $pkg->{"version"}; } };
This function tests if $package is installed. Returns 1 if true. 0 if false.
task "isinstalled", "server01", sub { if( is_installed("rex") ) { say "Rex is installed"; } else { say "Rex is not installed"; } };
This function updates the local package database. For example, on CentOS it will execute yum makecache.
task "update-pkg-db", "server1", "server2", sub { update_package_db; install package => "apache2"; };
repository($action, %data)
Add or remove a repository from the package manager.For Debian: If you have no source repository, or if you don't want to add it, just remove the source parameter.
task "add-repo", "server1", "server2", sub { repository "add" => "repository-name", url => "", key_url => "" distro => "squeeze", repository => "rex", source => 1; };
To specify a key from a file use key_file => '/tmp/mykeyfile'.
To use a keyserver use key_server and key_id.
For ALT Linux: If repository is unsigned, just remove the sign_key parameter.
task "add-repo", "server1", "server2", sub { repository "add" => "altlinux-sisyphus", url => "", sign_key => "alt", arch => "noarch, x86_64", repository => "classic"; };
For CentOS, Mageia and SuSE only the name and the url are needed.
task "add-repo", "server1", "server2", sub { repository add => "repository-name", url => '$releasever/rex/$basearch/'; };
To remove a repository just delete it with its name.
task "rm-repo", "server1", sub { repository remove => "repository-name"; };
You can also use one call to repository to add repositories on multiple platforms:
task "add-repo", "server1", "server2", sub { repository add => myrepo => { Ubuntu => { url => "", distro => "precise", repository => "foo", }, Debian => { url => "", distro => "squeeze", repository => "foo", }, CentOS => { url => "", }, }; };
package_provider_for $os => $type;
To set another package provider as the default, use this function.
user "root"; group "db" => "db[01..10]"; package_provider_for SunOS => "blastwave"; task "prepare", group => "db", sub { install package => "vim"; };
This example will install vim on every db server. If the server is a Solaris (SunOS) it will use the blastwave Repositories.