Rex::Commands::SCM(3) Sourcecontrol for Subversion and Git.


With this module you can checkout subversion and git repositories.

Version <= 1.0: All these functions will not be reported.

All these functions are not idempotent.


use Rex::Commands::SCM;

set repository => "myrepo",
url => '[email protected]:myrepo.git';

set repository => "myrepo2",
url => "",
type => "subversion",
username => "myuser",
password => "mypass";

task "checkout", sub {
checkout "myrepo";

checkout "myrepo",
path => "webapp";

checkout "myrepo",
path => "webapp",
branch => 1.6; # branch only for git

# For Git only, will replay any local commits on top of pulled commits
checkout "myrepo",
path => "script_dir",
rebase => TRUE;

checkout "myrepo2";


checkout($name, %data);

With this function you can checkout a repository defined with set repository. See Synopsis.