roar-config --version
roar-config --compare-versions VERSIONA OPERATOR VERSIONB
roar-config [{--output-pc|--output-normal}] [--libs] [--cflags] [LIB]
roar-config [--product PRODUCT] [--provider PROVIDER] [--universal] {--path PATH|--list-path}
roar-config --render-path PATH
This small tool prints information about installed versions and needed flags to work with the RoarAudio libraries.
- --help
Show a brief help.
- --version
Show version of library
Compares version VERSIONA against version VERSIONB using operator OPERATOR.
Both versions must be in dotted format (e.g. 1.0.8) or the special keyword "current".
This keyword represents the current used version.
Operator may be "eq" (equal), "ne" (not equal), "gt" (greater than), "ge" (greater than or equal), "lt" (less than) or "le" (less than or equal).
This function is mostly useful to check for minimum required or maximum supported versions of libroar in configure scripts.
- --path NAME
Print path NAME. Examples for NAME include prefix-plugins.
- --list-path
List all known paths with corresponding values.
- --product PRODUCT
Product string for --path and --list-path.
- --provider PROVIDER
Provider string for --path and --list-path.
- --universal
Use universal path for --path and --list-path.
- --render-path PATH
Render the given path. The path can be any absolute path, a path relative to the user's home directory
(prefixed with ~/) or a path relative to a path as used by --path (prefixed with $ and path name).
- --libs
Show linker flags (-lxxx) needed to link library
- --cflags
Show compiler flags needed to link library
- --output-pc
Output in PC format.
- --output-normal
Output in "classical" format.