use SDL;
use SDL::Event;
use SDL::App;
my $app = new SDL::App (
-title => 'Application Title',
-width => 640,
-height => 480,
-depth => 32 );
This is the manual way of doing things
my $event = new SDL::Event; # create a new event $event->pump(); $event->poll(); while ($event->wait()) { my $type = $event->type(); # get event type print $type; exit if $type == SDL_QUIT; } An alternative to the manual Event processing is the L<SDL::App::loop> .
SDL::App controls the root window of the of your SDL based application. It extends the SDL::Surface class, and provides an interface to the window manager oriented functions.METHODS
"SDL::App::new" initializes the SDL, creates a new screen, and initializes some of the window manager properties. "SDL::App::new" takes a series of named parameters:- -title
- -icon_title
- -icon
- -width
- -height
- -depth
- -flags
- -resizeable
"SDL::App::title" takes 0, 1, or 2 arguments. It returns the current application window title. If one parameter is passed, both the window title and icon title will be set to its value. If two parameters are passed the window title will be set to the first, and the icon title to the second.delay
"SDL::App::delay" takes 1 argument, and will sleep the application for that many ms.ticks
"SDL::App::ticks" returns the number of ms since the application began.error
"SDL::App::error" returns the last error message set by the SDL.resize
"SDL::App::resize" takes a new height and width of the application if the application was originally created with the -resizable option.fullscreen
"SDL::App::fullscreen" toggles the application in and out of fullscreen mode.iconify
"SDL::App::iconify" iconifies the applicaiton window.grab_input
"SDL::App::grab_input" can be used to change the input focus behavior of the application. It takes one argument, which should be one of the following:- SDL_GRAB_QUERY
"SDL::App::loop" is a simple event loop method which takes a reference to a hash of event handler subroutines. The keys of the hash must be SDL event types such as SDL_QUIT(), SDL_KEYDOWN(), and the like. The event method recieves as its parameter the event object used in the loop.
Example: my $app = new SDL::App -title => "", -width => 800, -height => 600, -depth => 32; my %actions = ( SDL_QUIT() => sub { exit(0); }, SDL_KEYDOWN() => sub { print "Key Pressed" }, ); $app->loop(\%actions);