shellex(1) shell-based launcher


shellex [...]


All command-line parameters (together with some shellex-specific) are passed on to urxvt. This means, you can you e.g. -bg grey20 for a lighter background. Using it for more than just customizing the appearence (for example adding own extensions) might stop shellex from working, so be careful.

See urxvt(1) for a full list of options.


shellex is a shell-based launcher with a lot more features and a lot simpler design. It launches a shell (currently zsh(1)) and shows it in a small terminal (currently urxvt(1)), wrapping every command with a little bit of extra magic (redirecting stdout, stderr, disowning and closing the shell) to get more typical launcher-behaviour.

This gives you a simple launcher with tab-completion and other shell-features, configurable in shell.


shellex uses two X-Resources at the monent, to manipulate its behaviour:


If pointer, shellex shows the window on the window, the mousepointer is on. If focus, it uses the output, where most of the currently focused window is. Defaults to focus.


On what screen edge to show the launcher (top or bottom). Defaults to top.


shellex configuration snippets can be found in /usr/lib/shellex/.

On start, shellex looks into /etc/shellex for default-snippets to source (usually this will be symlinks to /usr/lib/shellex/) as well as into $HOME/.shellex/ for any user-configuration. If a file of the same name exists in both locations, it will only use the one in $HOME/.shellex/.

To customize shellex, you can do the following things in $HOME/.shellex/:

1. Overwrite a default by creating a new snippet of the same name

2. Not include a default by creating a symlink to /dev/null of the same same

3. Include an example-snippet not used by default, by creating a symlink to /usr/lib/shellex/snippet

4. Write you own snippets with a currently unused name

To avoid naming-conflicts in the future, you should add a common suffix to all your own snippets.


Axel Wagner <[email protected]> and contributors