The file /etc/slack.conf contains configuration information for slack(8) and its backends. It should contain one keyword-value pair per line, separated by an '=' sign. Keywords must consist solely of capital letters and underscores. Values may take any appropriate format, but must not begin with a space. Comments start with '#', and all text from the '#' to the end of a line is ignored. Trailing whitespace on lines is ignored. Empty lines or lines consisting of only whitespace and comments are ignored.Valid keywords are:
- The master source for slack roles. It can be in one of four forms:
Use a local directory.
Use given directory on a remote host via rsync over SSH.
Use module on a remote rsyncd server (directly over the network).
Use the rsync daemon protocol over SSH to the given host. See "USING RSYNC-DAEMON FEATURES VIA A REMOTE-SHELL CONNECTION" in rsync(1)
- All forms of SOURCE are passed directly to rsync, so you can do things like add "user@" before the host on any remote forms. For more about what rsync can do, see its manual page, of course.
- For the last form, however, we do a little magic. rsync treats the last two forms equivalently, so we overload the last form by automatically passing "-e ssh" to rsync when we see it. This hack lets us tell slack to use this nice feature of rsync just using the SOURCE config option.
- The root filesystem into which to install slack roles. Usually '/'.
The location of the role list, which lists the roles to be installed
by default on each host.
This can be a path relative to the source, or can be an entirely separate location if it starts with a slash or a hostname (optionally preceeded by user@).
- A local cache directory, used as a local mirror of the SOURCE.
- A local staging directory, used as an intermediate stage when installing files.
A directory in which to keep dated backups for rollbacks.
A typical file might look like this:
# slack.conf configuration file
SOURCE=slack-master:/slack # source is on a remote
# host named "slack-master"