spread(1) Multicast Group Communication Daemon


spread [-l y/n] [-n proc_name] [-c config_file]


spread runs the Spread daemon on the local machine using the default configuration file spread.conf unless told otherwise.


-l y/n
Turn on or off logging. Default is off.
-n proc_name
Force this daemon to be identified by a specific process name.
-c config-file
Use an alternate configuration file config-file instead of ./spread.conf.


The default config file location. /etc/spread.conf is also searched if a local file is not found.


The daemon will output some startup information to stdout and any severe errors will also be output to stdout. Redirecting standard out to a file or using the EventLogFile directive in the spread.conf file is recommended if you are interested in log messages.


None currently known. Library is only thread-safe if the program is linked with libtsp.a not libsp.a. The non-thread-safe library is provided for those who are writing single-threaded applications and do not want to pay the minimal performance penalty for locking.


Yair Amir <[email protected]>

Jonathan Stanton <[email protected]>

Spread Project <[email protected]>