srba-slam(1) A demo program for Relative Bundle Adjustment (RBA)


srba-slam --help

srba-slam --list-problems

srba-slam {--se2|--se3} {--lm-2d|--lm-3d} --obs [StereoCamera|...]
          -d DATASET.txt [--sensor-params-cfg-file SENSOR_CONFIG.cfg
          [--noise NOISE_SIGMA] [--verbose {0|1|2|3}] [--step-by-step]


   srba-slam  [--eval-connectivity] [--eval-overall-se3-error]
              [--eval-overall-sqr-error] [--save-final-graph-landmarks
              <>] [--save-final-graph <>]
              [--debug-dump-cur-spantree] [--video-fps <>] [--gui-delay <>]
              [--create-video <out.avi>] [--cfg-file-rba-bootstrap
              <rba.cfg>] [--cfg-file-rba <rba.cfg>] [--random-seed <>] [-v
              <>] [--submap-size <20>] [--edge-policy
              <ecpICRA2013>] [--max-iters <>] [--max-lambda
              <depth>] [--max-optimize-depth <depth>]
              [--max-spanning-tree-depth <depth>] [--noise-ang <noise_std>]
              [--noise <noise_std>] [--add-noise] [--profile-stats-length
              <>] [--profile-stats <stats>] [--step-by-step] [--no-gui]
              [--list-problems] [--sensor-params-cfg-file <>] [--obs <>]
              [--graph-slam] [--lm-3d] [--lm-2d] [--se3] [--se2]
              [--max-fixed-feats-per-kf <>] [--gt-path <>] [--gt-map <>]
              [-d <>] [--] [--version] [-h]


srba-slam is a command-line application for offline processing of robotic/vision datasets. See also the manual online:

     At end, make stats on the graph connectivity
     At end, evaluate the overall SE3 error for all relative poses
     At end, evaluate the overall square error for all the observations
     with the final estimated model
   --save-final-graph-landmarks <>
     Save the final graph-map (all KFs and all Landmarks) to a .dot file
   --save-final-graph <>
     Save the final graph-map of KFs to a .dot file
     Dump to files the current spanning tree
   --video-fps <>
     If creating a video, its FPS (Hz).
   --gui-delay <>
     Milliseconds of delay between GUI frames. Default:0. Increase for
     correctly generating videos, etc.
   --create-video <out.avi>
     Creates a video with the animated GUI output (*.avi).
   --cfg-file-rba-bootstrap <rba.cfg>
     Writes an empty config file (*.cfg) for the RBA parameters and exit.
   --cfg-file-rba <rba.cfg>
     Config file (*.cfg) for the RBA parameters
   --random-seed <>
     <0: randomize; >=0, use this random seed.
   -v <>,  --verbose <>
     0:quiet, 1:informative, 2:tons of info
   --submap-size <20>
     Number of KFs in each 'submap' of the arc-creation policy.
   --edge-policy <ecpICRA2013>
     Policy for edge creation, as textual names of the enum
   --max-iters <>
     Max. number of optimization iterations.
   --max-lambda <depth>
     Marq-Lev. optimization: maximum lambda to stop iterating
   --max-optimize-depth <depth>
     Overrides this parameter in config files
   --max-spanning-tree-depth <depth>
     Overrides this parameter in config files
   --noise-ang <noise_std>
     One sigma of the noise model of every angular component of
     observations, in degrees (default: sensor-dependant)
     If a SRBA config is provided, it will override this value.
   --noise <noise_std>
     One sigma of the noise model of every component of observations
     (images,...) or to linear components if they're mixed (default:
     If a SRBA config is provided, it will override this value.
     Add AWG noise to the dataset
   --profile-stats-length <>
     Length in KFs of each saved profiled segment
   --profile-stats <stats>
     Generate profile stats to CSV files, with the given prefix
     If showing the gui, go step by step
     Don't show the live gui
     List all implemented values for '--obs'
   --sensor-params-cfg-file <>
     Config file from where to load the sensor parameters
   --obs <>
     Type of observations in the dataset (use --list-problems to see
     available types)
     Define a relative graph-slam problem (no landmarks)
     Relative landmarks are Euclidean 3D points
     Relative landmarks are Euclidean 2D points
     Relative poses are SE(3)
     Relative poses are SE(2)
   --max-fixed-feats-per-kf <>
     Create fixed & known-location features
   --gt-path <>
     Ground-truth robot path file (e.g. 'dataset1_GT_PATH.txt', etc.)
   --gt-map <>
     Ground-truth landmark map file (e.g. 'dataset1_GT_MAP.txt', etc.)
   -d <>,  --dataset <>
     Dataset file (e.g. 'dataset1_SENSOR.txt', etc.)
   --,  --ignore_rest
     Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.
     Displays version information and exits.
   -h,  --help
     Displays usage information and exits.


Please report bugs at


srba-slam is part of the Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT).

This manual page was written by Jose Luis Blanco <[email protected]>.


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the BSD License.

On Debian GNU/Linux systems, the complete text of the BSD License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/BSD'.