surankco-training [,options/]DESCRIPTION
Training of random forest using contig features from surankco-feature(1) and contig scores from surankco-score(1).OPTIONS
- -f FEATURES, --features=,FEATURES/
- Indicate a list of surankco feature files (comma separated), correct suffixes are mandatory ("*.features.txt")
- -d DIRECTORY, --directory=,DIRECTORY/
- Indicate a directory containing surankco feature files ("*.features.txt")
- Indicate a name for the export of the random forest classifiers (default = "surankco_rfs.RData")
- Indicate an exponential distribution quantile to divide scores (default: 0.25)
- Indicate manual thresholds instead of quantiles, one per score each (comma separated) in the same order as in the score file
- -h, --help
- Show this help message and exit
This manpage was written by Andreas Tille for the Debian distribution and can be used for any other usage of the program.