This document describes version 0.003 of TAP::SimpleOutput - released May 05, 2015 as part of TAP-SimpleOutput.SYNOPSIS
use TAP::SimpleOutput 'counter';
my ($_ok, $_nok, $_skip, $_plan) = counters();
say $_ok->('TestClass has a metaclass');
say $_ok->('TestClass is a Moose class');
say $_ok->('TestClass has an attribute named bar');
say $_ok->('TestClass has an attribute named baz');
do {
my ($_ok, $_nok, $_skip, $_plan) = counters(1);
say $_ok->(q{TestClass's attribute baz does TestRole::Two});
say $_ok->(q{TestClass's attribute baz has a reader});
say $_ok->(q{TestClass's attribute baz option reader correct});
say $_plan->();
say $_ok->(q{[subtest] checking TestClass's attribute baz});
say $_ok->('TestClass has an attribute named foo');
# STDOUT looks like:
ok 1 - TestClass has a metaclass
ok 2 - TestClass is a Moose class
ok 3 - TestClass has an attribute named bar
ok 4 - TestClass has an attribute named baz
ok 1 - TestClass's attribute baz does TestRole::Two
ok 2 - TestClass's attribute baz has a reader
ok 3 - TestClass's attribute baz option reader correct
ok 5 - [subtest] checking TestClass's attribute baz
ok 6 - TestClass has an attribute named foo
We provide one function, "counters()", that returns a number of simple closures designed to help output TAP easily and correctly, with a minimum of fuss.FUNCTIONS
This function returns four closures that each generate a different type of TAP output. It takes an optional $level that determines the indentation level (e.g. for subtests). These coderefs are all closed over the same counter variable that keeps track of how many test have been run so far; this allows them to always output the correct test number.
my ($_ok, $_nok, $_skip, $_plan, $_todo, $_freeform) = counters(); $_ok->('whee') returns "ok 1 - whee" $_nok->('boo') returns "not ok 2 - boo" $_skip->('baz') returns "ok 3 # skip baz" $_plan->() returns "1..3" $_todo->('bip', 'daleks') returns "bip # TODO daleks" $_freeform->('yay') returns "yay"
Note that calling the $_plan coderef only returns an intelligible response when called after all the output has been generated; this is analogous to using Test::More without a declared plan and "done_testing()" at the end. If you need or want to specify the plan prior to running tests, you'll need to do that manually.
When "counter()" is passed an integer, the generated closures all indent themselves appropriately to indicate to the test harness / TAP parser that a subtest is being run. (Namely, each statement returned is prefaced with "$level * 4" spaces.) It's recommended that you use distinct lexical scopes for subtests to allow the usage of the same variable names (why make things difficult?) without clobbering any existing ones and to ensure that the subtest closures are not inadvertently used at an upper level.
my ($_ok, $_nok) = counters(); $_ok->('yay!'); $_nok->('boo :('); do { my ($_ok, $_nok, $_skip, $_plan) = counters(1); $_ok->('thing 1 good'); $_ok->('thing 2 good'); $_ok->('thing 3 good'); $_skip->('over there'); $_plan->(); }; $_ok->('subtest passed'); # returns ok 1 - yay! not ok 2 - boo :( ok 1 - thing 1 good ok 2 - thing 2 good ok 3 - thing 3 good ok 4 # skip over there 1..4 ok 3 - subtest passed
Acts as counters(), except returns an additional coderef that can be used to adjust the level of the counters.This is not something you're likely to need.
USAGE WITH Test::Builder::Tester
This package was created from code I was using to make it easier to test my test packages with Test::Builder::Tester:
test_out $_ok->('TestClass has a metaclass'); test_out $_ok->('TestClass is a Moose class'); test_out $_ok->('TestClass has an attribute named bar'); test_out $_ok->('TestClass has an attribute named baz');
Once I realized I was using the exact same code (perhaps at different points in time) in multiple packages, the decision to break it out became pretty easy to make.
Subtest formatting can be done by passing a an integer ``level'' parameter to "counter()"; see the function's documentation for details.BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.
Chris Weyl <[email protected]>I'm a material boy in a material world
Please note I do not expect to be gittip'ed or flattr'ed for this work, rather it is simply a very pleasant surprise. I largely create and release works like this because I need them or I find it enjoyable; however, don't let that stop you if you feel like it ;)Flattr <'s%20CPAN%20TAP-SimpleOutput&tags=%22RsrchBoy's%20TAP-SimpleOutput%20in%20the%20CPAN%22>, Gratipay <>, or indulge my Amazon Wishlist <>... If and *only* if you so desire.
This software is Copyright (c) 2012 by Chris Weyl.This is free software, licensed under:
The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999