dom = XML.dom('foo.xml');
xpath = XML.xpath('bar.xml');
simple = XML.simple('baz.xml');
rss = XML.simple('news.rdf');
[% USE XML(file='foo.xml'); dom = XML.dom xpath = XML.xpath # ...etc... %]
[% USE XML(dir='/path/to/xml'); file = XML.file('foo.xml' ); dom = file.dom xpath = file.xpath # ...etc... %]
The Template-XML distribution provides a number of Template Toolkit plugin modules for working with XML.The Template::Plugin::XML module is a front-end to the various other XML plugin modules. Through this you can access XML files and directories of XML files via the Template::Plugin::XML::File and Template::Plugin::XML::Directory modules (which subclass from the Template::Plugin::File and Template::Plugin::Directory modules respectively). You can then create a Document Object Model (DOM) from an XML file (Template::Plugin::XML::DOM), examine it using XPath queries (Template::Plugin::XML::XPath), turn it into a Perl data structure (Template::Plugin::XML::Simple) or parse it as an RSS (RDF Site Summary) file.
The basic XML plugins were distributed as part of the Template Toolkit until version 2.15 released in May 2006. At this time they were extracted into this separate Template-XML distribution and an alpha version of this Template::Plugin::XML front-end module was added.
The Template::Plugin::XML module is still in development and not guaranteed to work correctly yet. However, all the other XML plugins are more-or-less exactly as they were in TT version 2.14 and should work as normal.
For general information on the Template Toolkit see the documentation for the Template module or <>. For information on using plugins, see Template::Plugins and ``USE'' in Template::Manual::Directives. For further information on XML, see <>.
The XML plugin module provides a number of methods to create various other XML plugin objects.file(name)
Creates a Template::Plugin::XML::File object. This is a subclass
of Template::Plugin::File.
Creates a Template::Plugin::XML::Directory object. This is a subclass
of Template::Plugin::Directory.
Generate a Document Object Module from an XML file. This can be called against a directory, file or an XML plugin object, as long as the source XML filename is defined somewhere along the line.
[% dom = XML.dom(filename) %]
[% file = XML.file(filename); dom = file.dom %]
[% dir = XML.dir(dirname); dom = dir.dom(filename) %]
Perform XPath queries on the file. Like the dom() method, xpath() can be called against a file, directory or an XML plugin object.
[% xpath = XML.xpath(filename) %]
[% file = XML.file(filename); xpath = file.xpath %]
[% dir = XML.dir(dirname); xpath = dir.xpath(filename) %]
TODO: As per dom() and xpath() but for XML::Simple
These are the XML plugins provided in this distribution.Template::Plugin::XML
Front-end module to the XML plugin collection.
This plugin module is used to represent individual XML files. It is a
subclass of the Template::Plugin::File module, providing the
additional dom(), xpath(), simple() and other methods relevant to XML
This plugin module is used to represent directories of XML files. It
is a subclass of the Template::Plugin::Directory module and provides
the same additional XML related methods as Template::Plugin::XML::File.
Plugin interface providing access to the XML::DOM module.
[% USE XD = XML.Dom %] [% dom = XD.parse_file('example.xml') %] [% pages = dom.getElementsByTagName('page') %]
Plugin interface providing access to the XML::RSS module.
[% USE news = XML.RSS('news.rdf') -%] [% FOREACH item IN news.items -%] * [% item.title %] [% END %]
Plugin interface providing access to the XML::Simple module.
[% USE xml = XML.Simple('example.xml') %]
Plugin interface providing access to the XML::XPath module.
[% USE xpath = XML.XPath('example.xml'); bar = xpath.find('/foo/bar'); %]